•  afl flyer

    Jan Chappuis
    Jan Chappuis began her career as an elementary and secondary teacher, teaching grades 4 through 9 for 12 years. She served for nine years as a curriculum developer in English language arts, mathematics, social studies, and world languages and as a professional development specialist at the district, regional, and state levels. Chappuis joined Rick Stiggins at Assessment Training Institute in Portland, Oregon, in 2001. For the past 20 years, she has written books and journal articles and created professional development materials focused on classroom assessment literacy.

    Chappuis has presented both nationally and internationally, helping to implement effective assessment practices at the school, district, regional, and state levels. She is recognized as a national thought leader in the area of formative assessment for her work in translating research into practical classroom applications. Chappuis is the author of Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning (2009) and the co-author of Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing It Right—Using It Well (2012),An Introduction to Student-Involved Assessment for Learning (2011), Creating and Recognizing Quality Rubrics (2006), and Understanding School Assessment—A Parent and Community Guide to Helping Students Learn (2002).
    Cassie Erkens


    Cassandra Erkens is a presenter, facilitator, coach, trainer of trainers, keynote speaker, author, and above all, a teacher. She presents nationally and internationally on assessment, instruction, school improvement, and professional learning communities.
    Cassandra is an adjunct faculty member at a few local universities where she takes teachers through graduate education courses. She has authored and coauthored a wide array of published trainings, and she has designed and delivered the training of trainers programs for two major education-based companies.

    As an educator and recognized leader, Cassandra has served as a senior high school English teacher, a director of staff development at the district level, a regional school improvement facilitator, and a director of staff and organization development in the private sector. 
    Ken Mattingly
    Ken Mattingly, a science teacher at Rockcastle County Middle School in Mount Vernon, Kentucky, has 18 years of experience in sixth and seventh grades and holds national certification in early adolescent science. He has worked on implementing classroom assessment for student learning practices in his classroom for the past seven years, and led the implementation of standards-based grading in his school. 

    During the past two years Ken has worked with multiple school districts across Kentucky to help develop a vision of balanced assessment, promote transparency in grading practices, and shift the teacher and student focus to the learning instead of the grade.

    Tom Schimmer
    Tom Schimmer is an independent education author, speaker, and consultant from Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada). He is recognized as a leader and expert in the areas of assessment for learning, sound grading practices, educational leadership, and positive behavior interventions and supports.

    An educator since 1991, Tom spent 7 years at Vancouver College in Vancouver, BC teaching a variety of subjects from grades 7-12. He then spent the next 11 years as a school administrator.  After spending one year as the Assistant Principal for the Senior School at Vancouver College, Tom moved to School District No. 67 in Penticton, BC (Canada) where he was a middle school Assistant Principal for 7 years and a High School Assistant Principal for three.  In 2009, Tom was appointed to the position of District Principal (2009-2011) where he was a member of the senior management team and was responsible for overseeing the efforts to support & build the instructional capacities of teachers & administrators throughout the district.

    Tom’s first book, Ten Things that Matter from Assessment to Grading, was published by Pearson Canada (May 2011) and Pearson ATI (January 2013). Tom’s next book, Grading from the Inside Out: Developing a Standards-Based Mindset,is scheduled to be published in the fall of 2015 (Solution Tree).