
Empowering Lifelong Learners


  • Denton Independent School District is focused on using technology to inspire 21st-century educational skills in all of our students today. Denton ISD is among the state’s leaders in incorporating technology in and out of the classroom for students and staff, ensuring that they have the tools necessary to succeed.

    Under the direction of Chief Technology Officer Robert Pierce, Denton ISD has been recognized as one of the top technologically advanced school districts in the nation by the Center for Digital Education. The district takes pride in its technology and works with several nationally known partners to bring the latest instruments and software to the hands of our students, educators, and families.

    The technology division’s five departments – Enterprise Information Systems, Systems Infrastructure, Integrations, Network Infrastructure, and Technology Services – provide a seamless workflow that allows for information to be delivered to users as effortlessly as possible. Denton ISD staff can stream media, use distance learning and apply current web tools regularly, while district families can check student grades, look at attendance records and register for the upcoming school year online.

    Making sure our students’ educational experience is enhanced through the use of technology is something the district, and its technology division, strive for every day. Denton ISD understands that as technology evolves, our students, teachers, and staff must have the means to evolve, too.

District Information

  • Vaping Information: 

    Students in possession of, using or distributing vapes, e-cigarettes or diffuser sticks/aromatherapy pens on or within 300 feet of a school campus will be removed from class and placed in the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP).

    Click Details to read more:
    Students who require the use of respiratory inhalers or other related medical devices must comply with the rules and regulations outlined in the 2023-2024 Denton ISD Student and Parent Handbook, which requires written authorization from a physician or other licensed healthcare provider, in collaboration with the school nurse.

    We appreciate your efforts as we work to keep your child safe while on campus. Schools should be places where a child looks forward to spending their days safely.

    The health and wellness of our students has been, and will continue to be, our top priority in Denton ISD. We value the trust you place in us as we work to educate your child.
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  • Meal Information: 

    Complete a Free & Reduced-Cost Meal application.

    Make a payment, manage your child's meal account or view cafeteria menus

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  • Inclement Weather Policy:

    Denton ISD attempts to make inclement weather announcements no later than 6:30 a.m. when possible. Closing announcements are made on the district website and social media channels. For more information on the district's weather policy, click here.

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