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    Calhoun Middle School

    Dress Code Policy



    Calhoun Middle School will be following the Denton ISD Dress Code.  Details on the Denton ISD Dress and Grooming Requirements can be found in the Student Code of Conduct on the Denton ISD Website or in the CMS Student Agenda.

    Dress Code and Grooming

    All Calhoun students are expected to dress appropriately for an educational environment. Any clothing that distracts, interferes with or disrupts the educational environment is unacceptable. Clothing with language or images that are vulgar, discriminatory, or obscene or clothing that promotes illegal or violent conduct, such as the unlawful use of weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia, or clothing that contains threats such as gang symbols is prohibited. Clothing should fit, and conform to standards of safety, good taste, and decency. Clothing that exposes cleavage, private parts, the midriff, or undergarments, or that is otherwise sexually provocative, is prohibited. Each campus principal /administrator will have the final say as to the appropriateness of any dress code question.

    The following items are also prohibited:

    Pants: Torn Jeans, Jeans frayed at the bottom, Jeans with holes, Cutoffs, Pajama Pants, Sagging Sweat Pants, Yoga Pants, or any Pants with writing on the back side.

    Skirts: All skirts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee. The measurement is taken from the side of the leg. The top of the slit of the skirt must end no less than 4 inches above the knee.

    Shirts: Tight Shirts, Sheer Shirts, Shirts with large armholes, Strapless Shirts, Spaghetti Strap shirts, Tank Tops, Low Cut Shirts that show cleavage, Backless Shirts; Lace Shirts; If a student wishes to cover the shirt with a shrug, cardigan, or jacket, the undershirt must be in dress code. All shirts should cover the entire length of the shoulder.

    Shorts: All shorts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee. The top of the slit of the shorts must end no less than 4 inches above the knee. Boxer Shorts, Spandex Shorts, Running Shorts, Frayed Shorts, and Shorts with holes are prohibited. Shorts with writing on the back side are prohibited.

    Shoes: House shoes, Slippers, Water Shoes

    Tights: Tights/Hosiery/Leggings/Jeggings are not considered pants and should be covered with shorts, a skirt, or pants that are dress code acceptable. A shirt will not serve as an acceptable form of cover-up.

    Apparel Colors: Clothing /apparel of a particular color(s) or hue(s) worn with the intent to intimidate other students, promote, encourage, demonstrate, or suggest gang/club initiation, affiliation, association, sponsorship, or membership or to provoke or elicit a response from other students, shall not be permitted. This includes shoestrings, bandanas, jewelry and/or other accessories.

    Hair: Hairstyles that create a distraction are not permitted. Mohawks are not permitted. Unlike a Mohawk, a Fohawk is a spiky hair style that has tapered sides and only spikes from the forehead to the crown of the head. Mohawks are prohibited; Fohawks are acceptable. Students will not be permitted to wear hair dyed an “unnatural” color (i.e., a hair color that does not occur naturally in the human species). Students will not be permitted to shave, cut, comb, style, or wear symbols, designs, numbers, or letters in the hair; nor rubber band or gel hair into styles that are a distraction from the business of school work. Hats/Hoods are not allowed in the building. Hats and Hoods may be worn outside before and after school day hours.

    Body/Face: Pierced ears may be adorned with simple, non-disruptive jewelry; however, other body piercing may not be adorned or augmented. Heavy ear bars, multiple ear bars, large holes and gages are not appropriate for school. Other piercings are not permitted. All tattoos and body paintings must be covered. Students are also discouraged from writing/drawing on themselves. Students will not be permitted to “notch,” remove, or shave eyebrows, and students shall not file or display/exhibit filed teeth. Artificial decorative mouthpieces are not permitted (e.g. Grills)

    The responsibility for adhering to the dress code begins with the student and the parents of the student. If a student violates the school dress code, he/she will be asked to change clothes or remove the inappropriate item. Students may contact the parent to provide appropriate clothing.

    Multiple violations of the dress code will result in disciplinary consequences.