     Crownover Physical Education Department
    Matt Fischer - mfischer@dentonisd.org  940-369-4731
    KeriAnne Dunn - kdunn@dentonisd.org  940-369-4730
    Ashley Griffin - 940-369-4729
    J.T. Ashcraft - jashcraft@dentonisd.org 940-369-4728
    9:06-9:54      2nd period     7th/8th PE      Griffin/Fischer
    9:57-10:50     3rd period      6th PE      Dunn/Ashcraft/Griffin
        Partner PE           Fischer
    10:53-11:41    4th Period      6th PE Dunn/Fischer
    11:41-12:11     5th Period No PE  
    1:05-1:53        6th Period     7th/8th PE     Dunn/Ashcraft
    1:56-2:44         7th Period     6th PE     Dunn/Ashcraft/Griffin


    PE Syllabus

    Dress Out Clothes

    White or Gray Shirt (does not have to be Crownover)

    Black, Gray, or Maroon Shorts

    Athletic type shoes (no sandals, Crocs, slides, boots, etc.)

    No Jewelry