Grading Policy

  • The purpose of the grading system (including progress reports and report cards) is to provide accurate and timely information regarding students’ mastery of course standards so that students may continuously improve their academic performance and their understanding of course content. Teachers’ grading practices are designed to provide students with feedback regarding their academic progress so that they will be more aware of what they have learned well and what might require greater effort. Clear feedback helps students identify academic strengths and areas for improvement and promotes students to become more self-directed learners.

    During each academic grading period, students will learn new content through a variety of teacher designed experiences. These experiences will include reading, studying and completing assignments as directed by the teacher in class and independently outside of school. Thorough completion of these assignments is expected and is essential for students to be fully prepared to demonstrate their learning on the quizzes, tests, projects, and presentations that are the summative measures of their learning and make up their grades for each course.

    Because we know that students learn in different ways and at different rates and because we believe our students strive to do well, our teachers are committed to assisting students who continue to demonstrate improved understanding of difficult course content during a grading period. Students scoring less than 90 on an assessment and have invested the necessary effort to meet deadlines and complete any regularly assigned or additional work in a high-quality manner, may reassess on a summative assignment to demonstrate their improved learning. Specific processes for reassessment and each students’ readiness to reassess will be determined by the classroom teacher. Students who do not complete work according to deadlines established by the teacher will not fully benefit from course instruction and may be subject to academic and behavioral interventions.

    In each course, students will be graded on a numerical scale with 100 being the highest grade. A grade of less than 70 is considered failing. There are two grading periods in the fall semester and two in the spring. Report cards are issued each grading period. Students in danger of failing will be issued a progress report at the midpoint of each grading period. Parents are encouraged to access to their student’s grades and attendance 24/7 via the Home Access Center available at Home Access Center Parents are also encouraged to request email notifications through the Home Access Center to inform them when their students do not complete an assignment on time or when the grade earned does not meet the minimum passing standard. Instructions for accessing this system will be provided by each campus.