Attendance is taken daily for all students enrolled in Denton ISD. It is suggested students log-in to Seesaw and engage at the live zooms and/or the learning activities.
- If a student is not following their designated schedule and chooses to submit completed work later in the afternoon or evening (prior to 11:59 p.m. on scheduled class day), the teacher will verify progress and enter attendance for these students after the school day ends, including the following school day.
- Changes are typically made after the district’s automated calling system begins. So, it is possible you may receive automated notification that your student was marked absent anytime your student completes and submits their class assignments later than the designated class time. In this situation, please wait 24 – 48 hours before calling the school about making corrections to your child’s attendance.
- Corrections will be viewable in Home Access Center (HAC )
A student will be considered absent if the student does not have documented progress with SeeSaw and/or daily contact with the teacher, and/or documentation of completion and turn in of daily assignments. Progress means that the student completes lessons and/or assignments to the entirety and academic learning is progressing.
If your child is going to be absent or tardy for any reason, please contact your child’s teacher to let them know and then submit a note on the absence link on our main webpage.
For more information, please visit our district Attendance Matters Webpage: https://www.dentonisd.org/Domain/12541