Attendance Requirements
Denton ISD is committed to partnering with parents to ensure the success of our students. Campus and district administrators will be proactive in providing support and resources for families so that attendance is a priority. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any assistance.
Texas law requires students ages 6-19 to attend school each day that instruction is provided. This also applies to students who are younger than six and have previously been enrolled in 1st grade and to students younger than six who are voluntarily enrolled in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten.
Did You Know?
Texas law requires students to be in attendance at least 90% of the time in order to receive credit for the semester.
90% means a student cannot miss more than 8 days in a semester for a class that meets every day. Students in A/B classes cannot miss more than 4 days.
Attendance can be a better predictor of whether students will graduate from high school than test scores.
Students in kindergarten and 1st grade who are chronically absent will not likely read at grade level by the 3rd grade.
Parents/guardians can check their student’s attendance through the Home Access Center (HAC).
Excused Absence Examples:
Required court appearances
Documented healthcare appointments for the student
Mental health or therapy appointments
Activities related to obtaining US citizenship (for the student)
College visits (Juniors and Seniors only- 2 per year)
Death of an immediate family member
UIL Activities
Personal illness of the student (school accepts 4 parent notes before a doctor's note is required)
*Appropriate documentation must be provided
Unexcused Absence Examples:
Family vacations, trips, cruises
Leaving campus during class or lunch period without authorized permission
Babysitting for family members
Translating for family members
Missing the bus
Car trouble
Absence without written notification from parent/guardian
Wedding/graduation ceremonies
Tap again to continue -
Health Services
Tap again to continue -
Child Nutrition
Tap again to continue -
Counseling & Social Work
Tap again to continue
Attendance FAQ's
What should I do if my child is absent?
Students who have been absent must present a written excuse from the parent or guardian within three (3) days. The three-day period begins on the day the student returns to school. All absences require a doctor’s note and/or a parent’s written note. Parents can upload absence notes: School Absence Note
Why did the campus mark my child's absence as unexcused even though I turned in a note and/or called to let the campus know my child would be absent?
The reasons could include the following:
The parent absence note was not turned in to the attendance clerk within 3 school days after the students return to school after an illness.
The student's absence was due to a reason not considered excused by State guidelines and/or District policy. Please refer to the Student and Parent Handbook for more information. (link here)
The student's absence may have required a doctor’s note to be excused due to excessive absences resulting in a violation of the 90% Rule.
You must provide written documentation for your child’s absence. A phone call alone will not suffice.
If you still have questions, or you believe there is an error with your child's attendance record, please contact the campus attendance office or your child's assistant principal.
What should I do if my child’s attendance in HAC is not correct?
Discuss the concern with your student and verify this information with your child’s teacher. If these steps do not resolve your concern, contact the attendance clerk at your child’s school.
What should I do if I cannot afford to take my child to the doctor?
If you cannot afford to take your child to a doctor or clinic, please call your school nurse who can assist you with resources.