About Our Endeavor
A grow your own program within Denton ISD that provides a career path for Denton ISD students to become Denton ISD Teachers.
Teach Denton creates a talent pool that offers opportunities for Denton ISD students who exhibit natural teaching talents and traits
- Identify Denton ISD students, in grades Pre-K - 12, who exhibit natural talents and traits.
- Provide mentor support to those identified Denton ISD students who would be excellent candidates for Teach Denton
- Increase the number of students in Education & Training Internship Program at the LaGrone Academy at the Advanced Technology Complex.
- Monitor the number of former Denton ISD students who then return to their childhood communities as teachers.
- Increased the diversity of new teachers hired to reflect the demographics of the community.
Adkins – Maylyn Reibold & Vicki Davis
Alexander – Adrianna Nash & Jesyca Lopez
Bell – Ezie Choi
Blanton – Angie Passons
Borman – Lisset Jurado
Cross Oaks – Chesley Simmons
E.P. Rayzor – Heather Bishop
Evers – Carrie Martin
Ginnings – Andrea Byars
Hawk – Bailey Talbot & Shelby Denison
Hodge – Melissa Larin
Houston – Wendy Mason & Hannah Bevil
Martinez – Brenna Newman
McNair – Lindsey Davidson & Ana Gavilanes
Nelson – Lacie Hester, Taheerah Flores, & Kim Shoebotham
Newton Rayzor – Sarah Merriweather
Paloma Creek – Bethany Gormley
Pecan Creek – Jessica Beener
Providence – Maggie Melot
Rivera – Berkley Hutcherson
Sandbrock Ranch – Bailee Deters
Savannah – Olivia Thompson & Cheyanne Tesar
Shultz – Kim Schenck
Stephens – Christi Spindle
Union Park – Keeva Lynn
W.S. Ryan – Leslie RojoMiddle School
Calhoun – Zen Gamboa (TAFE Chapter)
Cheek – Tiffany Gaines (TAFE Chapter)
Crownover – Billie Stone & Rachael Ruyle (TAFE Chapter)
Harpool – Hannah Burnett (TAFE Chapter)
McMath – Michelle Addison
Myers – Leslie Cantu (TAFE Chapter)
Navo – Cheryl Covington
Rodriguez – Jennie Andrews (TAFE Chapter)
Strickland – Danielle Martinez (TAFE Chapter)High School
Braswell – Jeanne Hicks (TAFE Chapter)
Denton – Darla Hinchey (TAFE Chapter)
Fred Moore – Jacqueline Davis
Guyer – Kristin Stewart (TAFE Chapter)
Ryan – Misty Blagg (TAFE Chapter)Special Campuses
ATC/LaGrone – Staci Eby & Torin Livingston (TAFE Chapter)
Ann Windle – Blanca Govea
Gonzalez –
Lester Davis – Leah Zavala -
Recommend a Student
Who can recommend?
- Currently, Denton ISD Educators are eligible to recommend a student for this program.
Who should I recommend?
- Potential candidates are eligible if they meet all of the following criteria:
- Denton ISD Student
- Exhibit natural teacher talents and traits
What will happen?
- Active participants in Teach Denton will:
- Discuss with Teach Denton Mentors careers in Education
- Receive assistance with college scholarship applications and the admissions process
Be given priority with Denton ISD Human Resources upon college graduation for potential educational career opportunities
Complete the form:
- https://forms.dentonisd.org/Forms/StudentSubmission
- Once your form has been submitted, the Teach Denton Committee will review your submission.
Arms of Hope partners with Teach Denton to provide a scholarship fund to support the program.
The funds are provided through donations in the Arms of Hope clothing bins on various campuses around the district. Teach Denton gains a percentage based on the weight of donated items, plus, the donated items provide resources to local families in need. Read more about the partnership.
Advisory Committee
Jason Rainey
Jason Liewehr
Emily McLarty
Leah Zavala