On May 6, 2023, Denton ISD voters overwhelmingly approved most of the school district’s $1.423 billion bond referendum with 62% in favor of Proposition A and Proposition B, which totaled $1.418 billion. The capital improvement plan is the largest in Denton ISD history and a record 18,202 votes were cast.
The Denton ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to call a $1.4 billion bond election aimed at preparing the district for tremendous student growth, bolstering safety and security, providing technological upgrades and giving enhanced opportunities for all students.
The development of the 2023 proposal involved an in-depth process of gathering information, research, and community input. The district solicited input from the Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) — a group comprising 72 community members and 14 students from various geographic areas and backgrounds. CAC committee members met six times during a five-month period to study and prioritize the district’s current and long-term facility needs.
Bond Info
Safety & Security
Ballot Language
Proposition Information
Prop A Proposed Projects: – $1.2 billion
Proposition A will cover district growth, student opportunities, and safety and security. The proposition will include a replacement campus at the 55-year-old Ginnings Elementary and the 53-year old Borman Elementary. Three new elementary schools, high school No. 5 and an advanced technology center are also proposed. Elementary No. 26 and No. 27 will be in the Braswell Zone, and No. 28 will be in the Denton Zone. High School No. 5 and an advanced technology center will address growth in the eastern part of Denton ISD.
Renovations or additional learning spaces are also part of Proposition A. Proposition A includes replacing the current dirt tracks and grass practice fields at eight middle schools with all-weather tracks. Fine arts improvements at all secondary campuses, as well as playground replacements at 16 elementary schools have also been proposed.
In terms of safety and security, the Citizens’ Advisory Committee recommended 33 security vestibule reconfigurations and smart sensors (non-video) that detect loud noises and harmful vapors in all student restrooms at secondary campuses. Every campus in Denton ISD will also receive upgraded and or expansions to their security camera systems.
Take a look at the breakdown of Proposition A below:
- Fifteen campuses will receive a child nutrition/cafeteria upgrade
- Twenty-eight campuses and or facilities will receive a HVAC upgrade
- Seventeen campuses and or facilities will receive a keyless entry upgrade
- Thirty-nine campuses and or facilities will receive an automatic doorlocking system (panic button)
- Fourteen campuses will receive a roof replacement.
- Eight middle schools will receive practice field turf and all-weather tracks
- Twelve campuses and or facilities will receive an interior refresh
- All campuses district-wide will receive video access systems at all major entrances and exits.
- CTE additions at LaGrone Academy
- Guyer HS ag improvements
- Middle school renovations
- High school athletic renovations
- High school multipurpose indoor facilities
- Elementary fine arts classroom refurbishments
- Elementary campus renovations
- Ryan HS band hall classroom expansion/reconfiguration
- Sisk annex capital improvements
- Safety & security improvements
- Transportation improvements, including buses
- Land purchases for future sites
Prop B Proposed Project – $119M
Proposition B covers technology. Every campus in Denton ISD would benefit from this proposition. The Citizens' Advisory Committee suggested interactive digital touchscreen digital panels become the district standard, as well as laptop upgrades at every campus. This would allow every student in the district to have a new laptop for learning.
Take a look at the breakdown of Proposition B below:
- Enhanced cybersecurity protection for all staff and students, bolstering the district's ability to monitor network activity and keep confidential data more secure.
- Enhanced high-speed, secure internet access to improve connectivity. This is crucial as the district continues to expand to decrease the load on the network.
- All campuses will be receiving computer lab and library device refreshes.
- All comprehensive high schools will be outfitted with a customized, competitive eSports learning space.
Prop C Proposed Project– $5.2M
Proposition C centers around the C. H. Collins Athletic complex. The Citizens Committee proposed renovations to the press box, additional dressing rooms, storage facilities and updated lighting for the parking lot.