Profile of a Denton ISD Graduate
Select each Essential 8 Item for checklists
Self Management
Self Management: A person’s success in controlling their emotions and behaviors, especially in new and challenging situations
High School
- Set and monitor a college, career, and/or military goal
Middle School and Above
- Monitor email and other social media platforms used for school communication regularly and appropriately
All Grade Levels
- Adhere to school rules and boundaries
- Maintain at least 90% attendance
- Utilize mindfulness activities and mood meters to self-regulate behaviors
- Set an academic, behavior, and/or social/emotional goal and monitor that goal
- Participate in an activity that requires practice (i.e. fine arts or athletics)
- Show respect to others – peers and adults
- Model appropriate cyber space behaviors (free from bullying and targeted language against others)
- Learn and practice life skills (i.e. doing laundry, mowing lawn, placing phone calls, ordering in a restaurant)
- Utilize a calendar and/or lists to manage time
Relationship Skills
Relationship Skills: A person’s skill at promoting and maintaining positive connections with others.
High School
- Participate actively in debating and Socratic seminars in the classroom setting
- Join the PTSA
- Obtain a part time job
All Grade Levels
- Mentor peers inside or outside of school (i.e. PAL, Partner PE/ Art/Dance, Student Council)
- Attend after school events (i.e. sporting events, fine arts events, school dances)
- Participate actively in group work in the classroom setting
- Volunteer in the community
- Serve as an active listener during school and classroom presentations
- Seek to resolve conflicts nonviolently
- Participate in an extracurricular activity
Optimistic Thinking
Optimistic Thinking: A person’s attitude of confidence, hopefulness, and positive thinking about her/himself and their life situations in the past, present, and future.
High School
- Set a college, career, or military goal
- Graduate from high school
- Obtain a part-time job
- Obtain a certification or licensure
- Participate in Signing Day that celebrates any student who has made a commitment to a job, trade or technical school, military, or college)
Middle School and Above
- Participate in challenging coursework which may include Honors, AP, Dual Credit, and/or IB courses
All Grade Levels
- Set high expectations for one’s self
- Express gratitude to others – teachers, administrators, peers, family
- Challenge one’s self to view situations from the other person’s perspective
- Participate in retesting opportunities
- Participate fully in opportunities on campus to grow optimistic thinking (i.e. Kindness Campaigns; Pep Rallies; Anti-bullying Campaigns)
Social Awareness
Social Awareness: A person’s capacity to interact with others in ways that show respect, tolerance, and cooperation.
High School
- Register to vote
- Vote in local, state, and federal election
All Grade Levels
- Complete a service project
- Attend after-school events (i.e. sporting events, fine arts events, school dances)
- Resist negative peer pressure
- Model appropriate cyberspace behaviors (free from bullying and targeted language against others)
- Promote equality and stand up for reducing hunger, poverty, and other injustices
- Participate in extracurricular activities
- Mentor peers
- Seek out leadership positions
- Volunteer in the community
Personal Responsibility
Personal Responsibility: A person’s tendency to be careful and reliable in their actions and to contribute to group efforts.
High School
- Complete college and career applications
- Register to vote
- Obtain a driver’s license
- Apply for scholarships
- Open a savings account
Middle School and Above
- Advocate for one’s self in 504 or ARD meetings
- Practice financial responsibility (i.e. pay parking/library fines, school fees, file tax return if employed)
All Grade Levels
- Encourage a caring school climate by respecting peers and adults on campus
- Set and monitor personal and academic goals
- Work towards mastery of IEP goals
- Assist with chores within one’s home
- Assist with keeping the school environment clean and welcoming
- Participate in tutorials as necessary
- Attend classes on time
- Learn and practice life skills (i.e. scheduling medical appointments, turning in attendance notes, packing one’s own lunch)
Self-Awareness: A person’s realistic understanding of their strengths and limitations and consistent desire for self-improvement
High School
- Set and monitor a college, career, and/or military goal
- Take appropriate assessments: TSI; ACT/SAT; ASVAB; Certification or licensure exam
- Select an endorsement and explore experiential opportunities
All Grade Levels
- Participate in regular physical activity either on/off campus
- Complete Gallup Strengths Finder and explore strengths
- Seek feedback and perspectives of others
- Participate in school surveys to advocate for one’s self and community
- Practice honesty and integrity
Goal-Directed Behavior
Goal-Directed Behavior: A person’s initiation of and persistence in completing difficult tasks – perseverance.
High School
- Set and monitor a college, career, and/or military goal
- Apply to college, technical or trade school
- Apply for Job Corps
- Earn licensure or certification
- Complete a program of study
- Take an ATC course
- Enlist in the military to fulfill a goal (i.e. to become a pilot, member of FBI or pay for college)
- Attain a part-time job
Middle School and Above
- Take an Honors, AP, Dual Credit and/or IB course
- Complete an individualized educational program
- Participate in a UIL activity
All Grade Levels
- Read for learning and pleasure
- Attend campus enrichment opportunities (i.e. Advanced Academics night, College and Career Expo, FAFSA events, Science Night)
- Earn a campus award that demonstrates leadership, good citizenship, or excellent attendance
Decision Making
Decision Making: A person’s approach to problem-solving, learning from experience, using values to guide behavior, and accepting responsibility.
High School
- Set and monitor a college, career, and/or military goal
- Take a personal finance course or demonstrate an understanding of student loans/college budget
- Complete application(s) to college, trade, or technical school
- Enlist in the military
- Reach out to the Texas Workforce Commission as appropriate
- Tour various colleges, trade, or technical schools
- FAFSA completion
Middle School and Above
- Vote in campus elections (i.e. Student Council Elections)
All Grade Levels
- Pass all classes
- Maintain at least 90% attendance
- Take responsibility for one’s own learning by checking grades
- Self-advocate by asking for help when needed
- Seek input from multiple sources when making decisions