Welcome to Denton ISD Purchasing!


    The Purchasing Department oversees purchases throughout our district to ensure we provide the best value goods and services. Denton ISD, as well as all other school districts in the State of Texas, is governed by federal, state, and local competitive procurement statutes, regulations and policies. Therefore, the majority of purchasing is done via a competitive procurement process such as a Request for Bid (RFB), Proposal (RFP), Competitive Sealed Bids (CSB) or Proposals (CSP).

    In 2017, the Denton ISD Purchasing Department moved from a paper bidding process to an electronic bidding system. DISD e-Bid, the new e-bidding system, is used by all vendors/suppliers regardless of whether they are current, awarded vendors or new applicants. Register now using Supplier Registration on the DISD e-bid portal by clicking on the icon below.


    Ebid Portal

    doing business with denton isd


    Our goal is to increase participation in the bid process by encouraging vendors to view our Current Bid Opportunities. Doing business with Denton ISD couldn't be any easier with our electronic bidding system.

    For any questions or concerns, please contact the Purchasing department at 940-369-0124 or purchasing@dentonisd.org
    Our office is located at 1303 N Elm St near the district's central administration offices in Denton.

  • The Denton ISD Purchasing Department is honored to be recipients of the Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) Award of Merit for Purchasing Operations consecutively since 2020.

    “As Texas school districts face ever-increasing pressure to use funds efficiently, we’re honored to recognize the work our honorees do to streamline operations, comply with regulations, and set the standard for how to utilize taxpayer dollars,” said Tracy Ginsburg, TASBO Executive Director. “These organizations have not only demonstrated their professional purchasing operations by documenting their districts’ policies and procedures but have also shared these best practices with colleagues throughout the state.”
