Roles and Responsibilities of the Campus Leadership Team
By direction of the Texas Education Agency, a campus-level committee (Campus Leadership Team) shall be established on each campus to assist the principal. The committee shall meet for the purpose of implementing planning processes and site-based decision-making in accordance with Board policy and administrative procedures and shall be chaired by the principal. The team shall serve exclusively in an advisory role except that each team shall approve staff development of a campus nature.
Role: The role of the Campus Leadership Team is to assist the building principal in formulating performance objectives for the campus and in advising in other areas of planning, budgeting, curriculum, staffing patterns, staff development, and school organization. The campus-level committee must approve the portions of the campus plan addressing campus staff development needs. It must be noted here that the primary purpose of site-based decision making is improved student performance, and that should be the foremost goal of the Campus Leadership Team.
Membership: Other than the principal, each committee shall also include the following members:
Parents: Two parents will be appointed by the campus PTA or PTSA Executive Board from nominations received from any resident in the school’s attendance zone. Parents eligible to serve shall be parents or guardians standing in parental relation to students attending the nominating campus. The parent or guardian shall not be an employee of the Denton ISD.
Community members: Two community members will be nominated and selected by those members of the Campus Leadership Team that will return to the team for the second year of their term. Community members eligible to serve must reside in the District, must be at least 18 years of age, and must not be a parent or guardian standing in parental relation to students attending the nominating campus.
Business representatives: Two business representatives will be nominated and selected by those members of the Campus Leadership Team that will return to the team for the second year of their term. Business members eligible to serve shall support business interests and need not reside in nor represent a business within the boundaries of the district.
Classroom teachers: A minimum of six classroom teachers shall be nominated and elected by the school staff. Teachers eligible to serve shall be full-time employees and shall serve only on the campus that is designated as the teacher’s primary campus.
Campus-based non-teaching professional: One campus-based non-teaching professional employee will be nominated and elected by the school staff. Campus-based non-teaching professionals eligible to serve shall be full-time employees and shall serve only on the campus that is designated as their primary campus.
Campus-based paraprofessional and operations staff: One representative of the campus-based paraprofessional and operations staff will be nominated and elected by the school staff. This position will serve as an ex-officio member.
District-level professional: One district-level professional employee will be nominated and elected by those members of the Campus Leadership Team that will return to the team for the second year of their term. District-level professional staff eligible to serve shall be full-time professional employees who have responsibilities at more than one campus, including, but not limited to, central office staff.
Terms: Campus Leadership Team representatives serve staggered two year terms and are limited to a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms.
Meetings: Campus Leadership Team meetings should be conducted as open meetings. The principal shall be responsible for posting a meeting agenda 72 hours in advance. Agenda will be posted at the campus. All meetings shall be held outside the regular school day.
Click on the Cross Oaks calendar to view monthly meeting times and dates. All meetings are held in the Cross Oaks school library unless otherwise noted on the calendar.
Responsibilities: The campus-level committee shall:
- Be involved in establishing and reviewing the campus educational plans, goals, performance objectives, and major classroom instructional programs. Education Code 11.251(b)
- Assist the principal annually in developing, reviewing, and revising the campus improvement plan for the purpose of improving student performance for all students populations with respect to the academic excellence indicators and any other appropriate performance measures for special needs populations. Education Code 11.253(c)
- Be involved in decisions in the areas of planning, budgeting, curriculum, staffing patterns, staff development, and school organization according to established administrative procedures. Education Code 11.253(e)
- Address all pertinent federal planning requirements. Education Code 11.251(f)
- Hold one public meeting, annually, after receipt of the annual campus rating from TEA, to discuss campus performance and the campus performance objectives. Education Code 11.253(g)
- Participate in the development of and approve the portions of the campus plan addressing campus staff development needs. Education Code 11.253(e), 21.451(b)
- If the District is not using state criteria for appraisals, be involved in the development of the appraisal process and performance criteria for teachers and administrators. Education Code 21.352(a)(2), 21.354(c)(2)
- Determine the use of funds awarded to a school under the Texas Successful Schools Award System and/or the Principal Incentive Program. Education Code 39.094
- Provide written comments, as appropriate, on requests for waivers submitted to TEA. Education Code 7.056(b)(2)