CHAMPS: A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management
What is CHAMPS:
¢A set of decisions the teacher must make in order to structure for TODAY’S STUDENTS
¢A decision-making template
¢A process
¢An acronym
¢A common language among staff
¢Quick fixes or miracle cures
¢Effective discipline and classroom management are lifelong learning tasks
¢Responsive: to teachers and parents
¢Proactive Measure
CHAMPS at Cross Oaks:
¢Guidelines for Success
¢School Wide Attention Signal
¢Voice Levels
¢“CHAMPING” common areas: Hall, Bathroom, Cafeteria, Arrival/Dismissal, Recess
¢Behavior Hierarchy
Guidelines for Success:
¢Guidelines for Success are 3-5 brief statements or phrases that describe skills, traits, and attitudes that students need to be successful in school - and in life
¢3 R’s – Cross Oaks Owls Do what’s Right, Respectful, and Responsible
Use an Attention Signal:
¢Identify and use consistently, an attention signal that has the following components
Our Signal!
Voice Levels:
¢0 - Silent
¢1 – One person can hear you
¢2 – Small Group
¢3 - Classroom
¢4 - Outside
What is "CHAMPing"??