Cell Phone Policy

  • Research has proven that students who are free from the distraction of a smartphone are more engaged as learners and more present in social situations with peers. For this reason, phones should be turned off and kept in their backpack at all times during the school day. Ronny Crownover Middle School is a one-to-one campus. Google Chromebooks are issued to each student; therefore, a personal device (ie: cell phone, tablet, smartwatch, etc.) is no longer needed for instructional purposes. 

    In the event that you need to communicate with your students during school hours, please call the front office at 940-369-4700. Additionally, students may use the phone in the front office to call home to communicate urgent information. 

    As with any policy, we will clearly communicate expectations to students. However, if students choose not to follow the expectation of keeping their cell phone put away during the school day, it will be confiscated and turned in to the front desk to be picked up after school. DISD School Board has adopted the following regarding the use of devices at school (FNCE Local):
    An authorized District employee may confiscate a personal telecommunications device, including a mobile telephone, used in violation of applicable campus rules. A confiscated personal telecommunications device shall be released for a fee determined by the Board. In accordance with the student handbook, the student or the student’s parents may retrieve the device after paying the fee.

    Unauthorized use of cell phones can result in confiscation of the phone and a $15 fee, per board policy.  When the phone is turned into the office, the following actions will be taken:            

    • First offense- warning from office
    • Second offense- the student may pick it up for $15
    • Third offense-parent must pick up the phone for $15
    • Fourth offense-parent must pick up the phone for $15 and meet with an administrator
    • Fifth offense-parent must pick up the phone for $15, meet with an administrator, and other student discipline will be assigned 

    We are thankful for your cooperation and support to ensure our students are focused on receiving the best education possible. We look forward to a great school year!