
    Counselors work as team members with teachers, administrators and parents to help children progress toward graduation and post-secondary educational opportunities, creating the opportunity to achieve happy, productive and responsible citizenship. The counselor offers assistance and encouragement to students, families, and teachers as young people mature academically, socially, and physically. The counselor helps students to understand their abilities, to identify interests, and to set goals. DISD counselors work with students individually, in small groups, and in the classroom setting. Parents are welcome to make appointments to discuss their child’s progress and coordinate goal setting. In addition to counseling services, the guidance office operates as a referral center, a planning and coordinating center, and an information resource for students, parents, faculty, staff, and community.

    Professional school counselors align with the school’s mission to support the academic achievement of all students as they prepare for the ever-changing world of the 21st century. This mission is accomplished through the design, development, implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive, developmental and systematic school counseling program. The four main components of the program are guidance, individual planning, responsive services, and system support. The delivery system for these services is composed of a team of professional school counselors, intervention counselors, and career counselors.
    Amy Lawrence, Director of Counseling Services 940-369-0065
    Lynn Charles, District Social Worker 940-369-0599
    Counseling Services Office is located at the Central Services Complex
    Website:www.dentonisd.org (click on departments, then counseling services) Look for our online magazine DISD Family Connection!
Last Modified on September 21, 2022