• Selection for NJHS is based on the following 5 criteria:
    • Scholarship
    • Citizenship
    • Leadership
    • Character
    • Service.
    Invitations to apply are offered to 7th graders in the 3rd quarter and are based on having a cumulative grade point average of 90 or above in core classes (Math, English, Science and Social Studies).
    Once the applications are returned, teachers will complete an evaluation for each candidate.  Next, the NJHS teacher committee will meet and discuss acceptance or rejection of each candidate.  If a student is not selected, he/she has the opportunity to appeal and he/she will be considered further based off his/her appeal paperwork.
    All those who apply will be notified by the end of March/beginning of April.
    Decisions about acceptance are made by the Ronny Crownover NJHS Faculty Council, and are based on a point system that rates the above 5-mentioned selection criteria. If you would like to appeal your decision, please contact Taylor Hotchkiss thotchkiss@dentonisd.org or Alexa Thompson athompson4@dentonisd.org.