• If you wish to become part of the NTHS family you must meet these requirements.



    Attend a class at the Advanced Technology Complex.

    -Complete at least 4 hours of community service.
    - Maintain a high school cumulative average of at least a 3.0.  
    -Attend at least 3 NTHS meetings.


    Uphold workforce values, especially attendance, responsibility and citizenship.

    Deadline to join is October 15, 2016

    Induction Requirements

    -National Dues  $35.00 payable by December 2, 2016.
    -Application Form submitted on line and a recommendation from your teacher.
    -Your meeting attendance requirements met.
    -Your service hours completed.

     Click below for the application

    Take Survey


    Cesar Lonza
    ATC 2013 National Technical Honor Society
    National Scholarship Recipient


    Cesar Lonza
    ATC 2013 National Technical Honor Society
    National Scholarship Recipient 
    $ 1,000