LaGrone Academy
Empowering Lifelong Learners
- LaGrone Academy
- Joining NTHS
National Technical Honor Society
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If you wish to become part of the NTHS family you must meet these requirements.
- Attend a class at the Advanced Technology Complex.
- Complete at least 4 hours of community service. - Maintain a high school cumulative average of at least a 3.0. - Attend at least 3 NTHS meetings. - Uphold workforce values, especially attendance, responsibility and citizenship.
Deadline to join is October 15, 2016
Induction Requirements
- National Dues $35.00 payable by December 2, 2016. - Application Form submitted on line and a recommendation from your teacher. - Your meeting attendance requirements met. - Your service hours completed. Click below for the application
Take Survey Cesar LonzaATC 2013 National Technical Honor SocietyNational Scholarship RecipientCesar LonzaATC 2013 National Technical Honor SocietyNational Scholarship Recipient$ 1,