

    Welcome to Ryan High School

    "Home of Champions"

    Bridget Williams - Attendance Liaison
    940.369.3016 (office)
    940.369.4960 (fax)
    Georgeanna Simpson - Attendance Clerk
    940.369.3278 (office)
    940.369.4960 (fax)

    ATTENDANCE MATTERS  https://www.dentonisd.org/Domain/12541


    Covid 19 Absences





    Information regarding Credits denied due to absences:

    Texas Education Code (TEC 25.092) provides that “(a) Except as provided by this section, a student in any grade level from kindergarten through grade 12 may not be given credit or a final grade for a class unless the student is in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered.”  All absences, whether excused or unexcused, must be considered in determining whether a student has attended the required percentage of days. 

    In accordance with state statute, a student MAY not be awarded credit for a course if they have absences totaling more than 10% of class days for a course.  While reviewing your student’s report card, please notice the column indicating credits. If your student passed a class but received no credit, it could be related to excessive absences.

    Per state law, parent notes do not excuse the 90% rule. However, state law allows provisions for regaining lost credit through building-level attendance review committees and administrative review. For further understanding, please see pages 26 through 31 of the 2017 -2018 Student and Parent Handbook.  Please contact your student’s assistant principal if you have questions and/or concerns regarding credit recovery.


      If your student is absent:  

    • DO NOT call. When roll is taken, we will know your student is out. If your student will be out for a week or longer, you must send a doctor’s note. You should also notify the counseling office and teachers via email. For ongoing health issues please contact the nurse and your student’s AP. 
    • DO upload the note https://forms.dentonisd.org/Forms/absence-note within 72 hours (3 days) of your student returning to school for it to be excused, include your student’s first and last name, ID # and grade on the note. Remember – signing your student out is not a note – you must send a note for the absence. 
    • DO be specific on the reason your student was out. See the student handbook for guidelines on excusing an absence. A “Family emergency” must state the nature of the emergency and fall within the guidelines of the Denton ISD Student Handbook.

    If your student needs to leave during the school day:

    • DO NOT call. We cannot release a student from campus without either a note OR the parents/emergency contacts signing the student out. Please be prepared to come into school to sign your student out.
    • DO send a written note. ALL students must have a note from the parent/guardian. The student needs to bring the note to attendance in the morning so a “dismiss from class” pass can be given. The student MUST come to attendance to sign out before leaving the building.
    • DO bring your driver’s license/id if you are picking a student up. For the safety of our students, we require a photo id for verification. Only those individuals listed on the registration paperwork will be allowed to sign a student out.  


    If you receive an automated message in error:

    • DO check HOME ACCESS CENTER. Check to see what teacher marked the absence, check with your student and e-mail the teacher if you think it’s incorrect.
    • DO NOT call attendance. We can only correct the record after the teacher notifies attendance of the error.

     Attendance ~ It’s the Law

    A child who is at least six years of age and has previously been enrolled in first grade, or who has not yet reached the child’s 19th birthday shall attend school.  A person who voluntarily enrolls in school or voluntarily attends school after the person’s 19th birthday shall attend school each school day for the entire period the program of instruction is offered.

    • Family Code Section 65.003  A child engages in truant conduct if the child is required to attend school under Section 25.085, Education Code, and fails to attend school on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year.
    • Parent/Guardian Notice:  If your student is absent from school on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year, you are subject to prosecution and your student is subject to a referral to a truancy court for truant conduct.  




Last Modified on November 22, 2024