Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival Procedures:
- Pre-K students and their siblings are dropped off at the cafeteria door from 7:15-7:30. After that time, there is no Pre-K staff present to greet students. If students are eating breakfast at school, we ask that you come as close to 7:15 as possible.
- Kindergarten - 5th Graders:
- Student drop-off (for non-breakfast eaters) is at the front of the school. Parents are to enter the drive in front of Harpool and drive all the way possible (please pull to the far right). Students will enter the building through the front doors.
- Students eating breakfast can be dropped off at the cafeteria beginning at 7:15. They will eat in the cafeteria. Breakfast service ends at 7:35 and students will be dismissed to their classroom.
- Students not eating breakfast will go to morning engagement activities in either the gym, computer lab, or library. Staff will direct them according to the day’s activities.
- Bus/Day Care drop-off is also in the front of the school. Please be mindful of the traffic.
- Bike Riders will walk their bike to the bike rack at the back of the school and enter through the door next to the bike rack. A staff member will be present to direct our bike riders. Students arriving late (parking bike after 7:40) must walk around to the front of the school to enter.
Parents may not enter the building to walk their children to class. Staff members will be at each point of entry to help them get to the correct place.
We have made the following adjustments to our Arrival procedures only on Stormy Weather Days (rain is torrential and/or lightening is present):
- KORT students will assist inside the building and at hallway doors.
- Staff will not be outside in lightening to open car doors.
- Please come through the drive as usual.
- Whichever door is closest to wear you have pulled up is the door your child will enter, regardless if it is their usual path to their classroom. Our goal is to get all children into the building quickly.
- Please drive slowly through the driveway as roads are slick and we will have more traffic.
Dismissal Procedures:
Car riders - Dismissal is at 3:00 p.m. and will be in the cafeteria circle behind the school. Please enter through the drive off Stacee Lane on the side of the school. Car riders will be gathered according to number in the back of the school until their car tag number is called. We ask that you follow the direction of our staff members and remain in your car. Staff members will walk the students to the cars as they arrive at the loading zone. This keeps our students and staff members safe. Please do not park your car in the driveway or in the parking lot and come to get your child. Students will only be released to those in vehicles and with visible car tags. We request that all students enter their car on the passenger side for the safety of students and teachers.
Carpooling is allowed as long as the car picking up the student has the car tag visible for every student in the carpool. No student will be released to a car without the appropriate car tag for that student. We appreciate your cooperation as the safety of each student is of utmost importance.
Bus Riders, Daycare – Bus riders and daycare students will be escorted to the buses at the front of the school and will load their bus immediately upon leaving the building. Students may not ride home on the bus unless they are registered for bus transportation. In addition, students are only permitted to ride the bus to which they have registered.
Extended Day - Students who have registered for the Extended Day program will be escorted to the gathering place for this program by the ESD staff.
Bike Riders - Bike riders will get their bikes, and be walked around the front of the building to the cross walk on Stacee Lane. At that point, they will begin riding home. Please talk to your bikers about safety when going home.
Walkers- Walkers will be dismissed and escorted across the crosswalk on Stacee Lane. Parents who are meeting their children may do so at that point or closer to the Madison community. We ask that parents of Kindergarten students meet their children at the crosswalk on Stacee or communicate to the teacher who will be meeting the child. We will not allow kindergarteners to start walking on their own without first getting parent permission. All other grade levels will begin walking home once we help them across the crosswalk.