LaGrone Academy
Empowering Lifelong Learners
- LaGrone Academy
PSAT Testing Information
Test Date: Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
Grades Tested: Juniors enrolled at LaGrone Academy
The Test
- The PSAT will be given on Oct. 22nd, 2024 to 11th graders who are enrolled as full-time students at LaGrone Academy.
- The test will be given during the school day. Please arrive by 8:40 to find your testing room. The test will start promptly at 8:50, if you are not on time, you will not be able to test.
- This test is one of the most important tests that a student will take in preparation for college. Students who take the PSAT/NMSQT exam in their junior year are automatically entered into the National Merit Scholarship competition. This exam is the only way to become a National Merit Scholar and/or to be recognized as a high-achieving Hispanic or African American scholar.
- From the PSAT, students will be given a comparable SAT score that will allow them to see where they are compared to all other students across the nation that they are competing with for college entrance, scholarships, and financial aid.
- All 11th graders will have access to My College QuickStart, a free, personalized college plan that a student can use to improve their academic skills, to improve their SAT or ACT college entrance exam scores, and to research colleges. My College QuickStart also allows students to research careers and help them determine a career path. Additionally, student results will be sent to colleges so they can be contacted for scholarships.
Students who set up an account online with College Board also have access to free SAT tutorials.
*Results: Students with a College Board account will be able to access their scores online, usually by mid-December.
*Students are encouraged to bring their own basic graphing or scientific calculator on test day. (We will not have enough for everyone)*Please send your student with a sack lunch, snacks, and water for the testing day.