LaGrone Academy
Empowering Lifelong Learners
AP Exam Registration Information
Denton ISD encourages every student in an AP course to take the AP exam. In 2025, nine AP Exams are going fully digital, please visit the AP Digital website for more information. All students in an AP course must complete AP Registration. Registration will be conducted in AP classes during the first few weeks of school through the guidance of the AP teachers. Even if you do not plan to take the AP exam, all students must complete both registration steps to access the College Board’s AP resources. Please read carefully and thoroughly. Haga clic aquí para español.
AP Exam Registration - Two Steps - MUST BE COMPLETED FIRST!
Step 1: Total Registration, is the site students use to register for all enrolled AP courses and indicate if they plan on taking the exam.
Information needed to complete registration:
- Student’s AP schedule (the block) and teacher's last name.
- Parent email address.
- AP Registration Step by Step in Total Registration and AP Classroom
Step 2: AP Classroom, is an official College Board site to support AP students.
Information needed to complete registration:
- Student’s College Board Account: If students do not already have a College Board account from previous AP courses or PSAT/SAT-related assessments they will need to create a new account using their personal email address.
- A student's College Board account is the log in that students will use to access AP Classroom, take an AP Digital Exam, access AP exam scores, and access PSAT/SAT-related assessment preparations and scores.
AP Exam Important Dates and Deadlines:
First day of school : AP exam registration opens and students register during their AP class.
November 1st : Deadline:
- Completion of both AP Registration steps for full-year and 1st-semester (fall) courses
- Deposit Payment Deadline
February 14th : Deadline:
- Completion of both AP Registration steps for 2nd-semester (spring) courses
- Final Payment Deadline for all AP exams including full year, 1st semester only courses, and 2nd semester only courses.
AP Exam payment through RevTrak:
Click Here for online payment once you’ve completed both AP Registration steps above.
Students who DO NOT receive free/reduced lunch services : Cost per exam is $100
- $40 deposit per exam due by November 1st.
- The remaining balance is due by February 14th.
- You do have the option to pay in full by November 1st.
- The cost for the 5th, 6th, or 7th exam is $50 per exam
Students who DO receive free/reduced lunch services : Cost per exam is $20
- $20 deposit per exam due by November 1st.
- The cost for the 5th, 6th, or 7th exam is $10 per exam.
Please register carefully as NO REFUNDS will be issued.
- There is no fee for online payments
- Families needing to bring cash or checks or have concerns regarding payment need to contact the campus testing coordinator, Torin Livingston
View the AP Exam Dates from College Board here
Important Websites:
- AP Registration Step by Step - Instructions to support student's registration for AP exams.
- AP Exam Dates - Dates each exam will be held in May
- AP Digital website - Information on AP exams transitioning to digital.
- College Board Account Help - If you are having issues with College Board account
- Students who used their school email address for their College Board account are encouraged to update their information to their personal email address before graduation.
- College Board AP Student - exam information and study materials.
- AP Scores - AP results will be available in July. Students will need their College Board account that they used during AP Registration.
- AP Credit Policy Search - Information on how AP exam scores will transfer to potential universities/colleges.
- Free/reduced lunch application - Denton ISD application for free/reduced lunch.
- Total Registration - How students will register for their AP exams.
- Denton ISD Advanced Placement Website
AP Exam Policies and Procedures
Payment: Payment in full or a deposit is due by the dates listed above to avoid your exam order being canceled. No refunds are issued for exams once the bulk order is placed, register carefully.
Accommodations: College Board requires accommodations to be approved through their Service for Students with Disabilities (SSD) portal for all College Board exams. Students who receive accommodations in school do NOT automatically qualify for the accommodations on the College Board Advanced Placement exam - even if they have an IEP or 504. The request for accommodations MUST be approved by College Board’s SSD. Please see Denton ISD Guide for Parent/Guardians requesting accommodations for Digital SAT Suite of Assessments and AP Exams for more information. The deadline for the CTC to submit accommodations request to College Board is January 24.
Test Day Procedures: Students must arrive for their exam at 7:45am or 11:45am depending on if their exam takes place in the morning or afternoon; AP Exam Information. Specific testing information will be emailed prior to testing. Students must bring a photo ID, pencils, pens, and charged district-issued Chromebook if taking a digital AP exam. Phones are NOT allowed in the testing room. Any student caught with a phone during the test will have their test stopped and canceled.
Attendance: If you arrive late or miss your AP exam you will NOT be allowed to test and will be expected in your classes. There is NO late testing available unless the student has a school-related event conflict or a conflict with another exam. All school-related conflicts must be communicated to the campus testing coordinator prior to May 1st.