EXPO School Supplies
Please have the following items for EXPO: These are in addition to the team supply lists.** Please disregard the English category on the general supply list as Expo is your students' English class.(6th grade)Students Keep:
- One - 1½ inch red binder (Can use the one from last year.)
- 7 notebook dividers (Can recycle from past classes/years.)
- 1 – composition book
- Lined paper, pencil/pens (to be replenished during the year)
- 2 – Highlighters (any color)
- 2 – Vis-à-vis markers (any color)
- 2 single – clear protector sheets
- 1 – pencil pouch (not required but recommended)
- ear buds (not required but recommended)
For classroom use:
- 1 – box of tissues
- 1 – canister of disinfecting wipes
- 1 – pkg of lined paper (can be either wide or college rule)
- (TBD) Other supplies as needed for individual projects
(7th grade)Students Keep:
- One - 1½ inch blue binder (Can use the one from last year.)
- 7 notebook dividers (Can recycle from past classes/years.)
- Lined paper, pencil/pens (to be replenished during the year)
- 2 – Highlighters (any color)
- 2 – Vis-à-vis markers (any color)
- 2 single – clear protector sheets
- 1 – pencil pouch (not required but recommended)
- ear buds (not required but recommended)
For classroom use:
- 1 – box of tissues
- 1 – canister of disinfecting wipes
- 1 – pkg of lined paper (can be either wide or college rule)
- (TBD) Other supplies as needed for individual projects
(8th grade)Students Keep:
- One - 1½ inch black binder (Can use the one from last year.)
- 7 notebook dividers (Can recycle from past classes/years.)
- Lined paper, pencil/pens (to be replenished during the year)
- 2 – Highlighters (any color)
- 2 – Vis-à-vis markers (any color)
- 2 single – clear protector sheets
- 1 – pencil pouch (not required but recommended)
- ear buds (not required but recommended)
For classroom use:
- 1 – box of tissues
- 1 – canister of disinfecting wipes
- 1 – pkg of lined paper (can be either wide or college rule)
- (TBD) Other supplies as needed for individual projects.
Last Modified on July 24, 2023