Welcome to the Navo Middle School
Student Council page
I am Ms. Zipes and the sponsor for Student Council this year. I am looking forward to working with all the students that have signed up for student council. I am hoping that we can work on several service projects this year. I appreciate any input from the parents as well. I takes everyone working together to make a successful program.
I can be reached at 972-347-7500
, my conference period is 5th. Email is Rzipes@dentonisd.org
Meeting Times:
Wednesday after school: 330-415pm
Thursday before school: 745am
The Navo Middle School Student Council is an active member of the Texas Association of Student Councils- District 3. We currently hold the office of Recording secretary
for the District 3 Association of Student Councils. In addition to our on campus activities, we attend the local Fall and Spring retreats and the Fall State Conference in Austin. On campus, StuCo has initiated our campus recycling program, hosts dances in the fall and spring, and helps at various events on both our campus and some of the nearby elementary schools.
2016-17 Officer
Claire C
Josey D
Skyler F
Hailey O
Kaitlyn H
Katelyn H
Emily D
Kenzie M
Lindsy G
Autumn V
Lilly K
Natalie W
Trinity F