Student Council
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Below entails plans for the 2016-17 School Year(all events subject to change)
For the 16-17 year we will be the corresponding secretary l for the District 3 Texas Association of Student Councils.
We will also work with the counselors on the monthly programs as needed.
Will continue work on a handbook for new Navo students made by Navo students.
Participate in fall festivals at feeder elementary schools
Continue mentor program with Paloma Creek
After more research may participate in fuelupplay60
Cub camp
6th grade Back to School Dance
Jeans week –
September 11th announcements
Back the Blue Day - encourage students to wear blue, announcements about Police lost in the line of duty
Hispanic Heritage Month
Red Ribbon Week (October 26-30th)
Bully Signs
Energy Announcements
Cards for Veterans – send to VFW
Halloween for Hunger
Jeans week for donation to food pantry (12th- 16th)
Canned food drive - poverty awareness
Speak with Science to see if anyone has a skeleton we can borrow to put up the message “this person should have been safer behind the wheel)
Oct. 30 - Energy Awareness Day - lights off in rooms when possible all day - teachers or front office who have windows can keep lights off for at least one class period.
7th/8th grade dance
Eat this not that - alternatives to unhealthy foods
Teens in the Driver Seat Announcements - promote safe passengers -
Say No to Tobacco Information
Jeans week before Thanksgiving break to raise money for Adopt a Navo Student (Nov16-20th) - the money raised from this jeans week is put ion Walmart gift cards and then given to students, they are identified by the staff and the counseling department)
Officer Conference San Marcos
Gently Used Clothing Drive
Seatbelt Safety
Small bags of candy corn for the teachers saying “thanks for being a safe driver”
Digital footprint
PJ Day for Make a Wish
Wash Hands signs in bathrooms
Energy Announcements
Janitor Appreciation
Adopt a Navo Student
Day of Silence
Box of mints in office, and sign that says be a breath saver and make sure everyone in the car buckles up
Stress balls for teachers
Jeans week - TBD
Teens in the Driver Seat Announcements
Jeans week - Leukemia Society (Jan. 18-22nd)
Start new habits be an aware passenger
Sky ranch
Love and Respect Announcements – with counselors
Pennies for Pasta (this benefits the Leukemia Society, homerooms compete against each other, the homeroom that raises the most money is given Olive Garden by the Leukemia Society)
PJ Collection – PJ Day (students pay $1 to wear PJs, they money is used to purchase PJs for terminally and chronically ill children in a local hospital, Sweet Dreams for Kids is the charity)
7/8 day dance
Passenger Safety Announcements
Jeans week –
Jokes to relieve stress
Black history month
Relay for Life
Cancer Facts
Jeans week for American Cancer Society (7-11)
Energy Announcements
Earth Day
Bulletin board with 5 risk factors to distracted driving
Yuda Bands – sale allows us to put a child in a 3rd world country through a year of school
Great American Cleanup - we will clean up inside and outside the school
Woman’s history month
Jeans week for PJ for Patients (11-15)
March of Dimes Walk
KISS wasted energy goodbye
Mix It Up Day
Earth Day - April 22nd - wear green and blue - announcements for ways to save the earth. Maybe door decorating contest among the homerooms. Work with science to see if they can integrate any lessons that day
STAAR encouragement signs
Nurse Appreciation
Smile Week – celebrate end of testing and great school year, free treats and music at lunch (dependent upon behavior at the time)
Teacher Appreciation
Police Officer Appreciation
Tire Tread (check tire tread with Pennies and leave notes letting staff know if their vehicles are safe)
Administrative Assistant's Day
Student Council members wear PJ day with signs drawing attention to drowsy driving.
Jeans week
Eat this not that