• Requirements for Student Council

    Student Council members are required to earn points each Six Weeks to remain active in Student Council.

    Members are required to earn 17 points per grading cycle
    Officers are required to earn 22 points per grading cycle

    A member who attends meetings and participates in StuCo activities will have no trouble earning the points required.

    A member may be excused from weekly meetings for issues such as absence from school, involvement in other school activities, or doctor/ dentist appointments. Students who cannot attend the weekly meeting MUST put their absence into google classroom.

    Members and parents signed an application at the beginning of the year that said they could have transportation available to them for meetings and other activities; therefore, transportation issues are not an excuse for absences.

    As leaders in Navo Middle School, Student Council members are expected to maintain a high standard of behavior and achievement in our school. Deductions will be assessed for detentions and any other behaviors that are deemed unfit for leadership.
    Students will be dismissed from Student Council for placement in ISS or DAEP.

    The point system is listed below:

    # of points



    Attendance at weekly meetings


    Wearing StuCo meeting to shirt


    Tickets at lunch


    Trash Clean-Up

     1 (per hr)

    All other events

    2 (per hr presenting) 

    Fall Retreat 

     No Points

    Spring Retreat, Dances


    Please see the constitution for more information.  Student Council Constitution