
    Welcome to the new school year. We are excited to be back in full swing. 

    The start of any school year tends to come with sniffles, sore throats, upset stomachs and minor illnesses. Some ways to prevent these illnesses include not sharing drinks, handwashing, getting enough sleep and not skipping meals. Please encourage your children to get 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night and to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

    When to keep your child home –

    • If your child has a fever – a temperature taken by thermometer 100 degrees or higher, please keep him or her at home until s/he is fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol, Motrin or Advil. 
    • Other reasons to keep your child home include two or more episodes of vomiting or diarrhea. Your child will need to stay for 24 hours following an episode.
    • Symptoms of pink eye and live lice.

    If your student will be absent please send them to school with a note explaining the absence. You may also submit an absent note or doctor's note here:




    If your child starts to feel ill while at school, s/he should, with teacher permission, go to the nurse’s office. Should s/he have any of the above excludable symptoms, family will be contacted to request pick up.

    If you have any specific concerns regarding your child, you may call me at 940-369-2409. If I am unavailable, I do respond to my voicemails when I receive them. You can also email at vbernier@dentonisd.org. 


    I hope everyone has a happy and healthy year!

Last Modified on August 26, 2022