• Frequently Asked Questions
    If you have any questions about school policy not answered by the FAQs, please contact our school office at 940-369-3600 and we will be happy to answer any questions or clarify policy for you.
    · How can I access the campus website? www.dentonisd.org/mcnaires

     · What are the office and teacher hours? Office hours are 7:10 – 3:30; Teacher hours are 7:25 – 3:25.

    · Where can I find a list of the year’s events/activities for McNair? Click on the calendar on the campus homepage at www.dentonisd.org/mcnaires. Be sure to check throughout the year; activities are subject to changes as needed.

    · Where can I find the district’s Student Code of Conduct, and Student and Parent Handbook? The Code of Conduct, and the Student and Parent Handbook is now online at www.dentonisd.org.

     · How can I check my child’s grades and attendance report? You can log in to the Home Access Center (HAC), which you can find on our campus website under the parents tab. If you don’t have a HAC account, you can register for one, and can see grades and attendance online 24/7.

    · How is my child graded on the report card? Grades K-5 receive standards-based report cards that list the students’ level of competencies on the essential skills taught for those six weeks. More information can be found on the district’s Elementary Report Cards page at https://www.dentonisd.org/Page/47872.

    · When/how can I schedule a conference with my child’s teacher? You can contact your child’s teacher by phone or email to schedule a conference ahead of time. Each teacher has specific conference times during the day and after school. You can find their email on the campus website, or you can call the front office at 940-369-3600 to be transferred to the teacher’s phone.

     · Where can I find the drop-off and pick-up procedures? You can find the arrival and dismissal procedures on our campus website at www.dentonisd.org/mcnaires under the parents tab. 

    · What if I forget my car tag for dismissal? You will need to come to the front office with your driver's license. The office will have a staff member walk your child to meet you in the front office, and can also give you an extra car tag if you need one.

     · What happens if I am late to pick up my child? All students who are not picked up in a timely manner will be taken to the front office area, and the parent must come into the building to sign out their child.

    · What if I have to pick up my child early? Students cannot be called to the office before you arrive to pick up, or between 2:30 pm and 3:00 pm. If you need to pick up your child early, please arrive prior to 2:30 pm, and let teachers know ahead of time if possible so they can minimize the disruption to their class when your child is called to leave. Leaving school early is documented as a Loss of Instruction (LOSIT) and is only excused by a doctor’s note.

    · When is my child considered tardy? School begins promptly at 7:40 am. Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom when the 7:40 am bell rings. Letters will be sent home with students who are chronically tardy. Students who have 3 or more tardies after 7:55 am (considered a serious Loss of Instructional Time – LOSIT) in a 4 week period will be sent a warning notice from the district. Further violations may result in truancy court action.

     · Do I need to bring my ID when I visit the campus? Yes. For the students’ safety all visitors to the school building are required to check in at the front office, show their ID/Driver’s License and put on a visitor or volunteer badge for any campus visits, including lunch, class parties, conferences, volunteering, etc.

     · How many class parties does the school have? We have 3 class parties – a winter party in December, a Valentine’s party in February, and an End-of-Year party. Please check the website, PTA Facebook page, and your teacher’s newsletters/emails for details. ALL visitors for these parties must have their ID’s.

     · How can I volunteer on campus? There are many opportunities throughout the year to volunteer, and you can contact pta or teachers to offer your help. We greatly appreciate our volunteers! You must complete the online volunteer form on the district website each year at www.dentonisd.org under Community Involvement, Volunteer Program. Once your background check is cleared, you will be able to volunteer on campus.

     · Does McNair have an active PTA? We sure do! They have a very active PTA board, which plans a variety of activities throughout the year to help support our campus goals. They will have a membership drive at the beginning of the year, and their contact information can be found on the McNair webpage. You can also contact them via the McNair PTA Facebook page.

    · Can I eat lunch with my child? Yes. Parents are welcome to join their child for lunch at the visitor’s table in the cafeteria. You must first show your ID & sign in to enter the building. However, only your child can join you at the visitor’s table; for safety/supervision reasons, your child cannot bring a friend to the table. When your child’s class lines up, your child will need to line up with his/her class. Parents will not be able to walk their children back to the classroom; this is the time for them to join back with their classmates and focus on the teacher’s directions to get ready for their afternoon learning.

    · What if I need to change my child’s dismissal transportation? To make a change, please call the office at 940- 369-3600 before 2:00 p.m. or send a note to the teacher. Emails may not reach the teacher in time, and substitutes do not have access to the teachers’ emails. If the forecast calls for inclement weather please establish an after school plan, if possible, before your child leaves for school.

     · Is there a student dress code? Yes. The dress code is detailed in the district’s Student and Parent Handbook. Students cannot participate in recess or PE without the appropriate shoes. If a child is not dressed according the Code of Conduct, parents may be called to bring appropriate clothing before the student can return to class.

    · What do I do if my child is sick and absent?  Please make sure you submit an absence note to your child’s school within three days of your child’s return to school learning. Click on this link to access the school absence note https://forms.dentonisd.org/Forms/absence-note and upload any required documentation.  Please see the district Student and Parent Handbook for attendance laws and policies. We ask that you do not call the school and ask for the teacher to prepare make-up work for that day for short absences (1-2 days). The teacher’s primary responsibility is to focus on their students, and will not be able to stop instruction to prepare work. Make-up work for short absences will be given upon the student’s return.

    · Due to our jobs, we can only schedule a vacation during a school week. Will this be excused? As per our attendance policy outlined in the district’s Student and Parent Handbook, being out of town/vacations are not excused absences, and will be coded as unexcused in the attendance system.

    · Can I send party invitations to my child’s classmates at school? In an effort to help keep children’s feelings from being hurt, we have a school policy that party invitations are not to be passed out at school unless one is being passed out to everyone in the class.

    · If my child forgets a backpack or homework after school, can he/she go back to the classroom to get it? After dismissal, classroom doors are locked and will remain locked until the next morning. This means students will not be allowed to re-enter their classroom for forgotten items. This procedure keeps the classrooms secure and safe in the evenings, and avoids interruptions for teachers who are in conferences.

    · Where is lost and found? Lost and found is located in a bin by the cafeteria, and is usually used for jackets/coats left lying in hallways or outside. The bin is cleaned out at the Winter & Spring breaks, and before the end of the year. Any items not picked up are donated to local charities. Putting names on clothing labels is a big help! The office will hold cell phones, watches, and any valuables.

    · Can my child have a cell phone at school? Student cell phones must be kept in their backpacks, and turned off, during the school day. If they are found in use without permission, teachers may confiscate them and contact parents to retrieve the devices. The school assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen electronic devices brought to school. Please contact the office at 940-369-3600 if you would like further information.