• Dear Parents,
    In an effort to make our traffic procedures more effective and safer for you, your child, and our staff, please adhere to the following guidelines.


    Always follow posted signs

    • The sign posted on Evers Parkway (on the side of the street in front of the ballpark) before you enter the circle drive says, “right lane for turning…middle lane for through traffic.” This means vehicles entering the circle drive should enter from the turn lane closest to the sidewalk.  Those vehicles in the “center lane” should not turn into the circle drive.  
    • The sign posted in the front parking lot says, “Parking only. No student drop off.” This means do not drive through the front parking lot to drop off your children.  Instead, drive through the circle drive to drop off your children.
    • The sign posted at the end of the circle drive says, “No left turn.” This means do not turn left onto Evers Parkway.  Instead, turn right. 


    Morning car drop off (front circle driveway)

    • Students who are dropped off in the outside lane (the lane closest to the parking lot) must walk to the side walk and then walk to the cross walk to cross the driveway. Please do not allow your children to cross the driveway in front of oncoming traffic even when the cars are stopped.


    Afternoon pick up for car riders (back driveway by the cafeteria)

    • Cars will enter the driveway by the cafeteria from Evers Parkway by turning right into the driveway.
    • Car riders will not be picked up in the front of the school.  The circle driveway is used for busses ONLY in the afternoon.
    • Students are dismissed at 2:50 p.m.  It takes approximately twenty (20) minutes for all cars to make it through the pick up line once students are dismissed.  If you feel that you are waiting in line too long, try coming at 3 p.m. instead of arriving at 2:30 p.m. and waiting until 2:50 p.m.  



    • Students walking home should proceed to their destination once they leave the building.  They should not stop at the playground to play.