Communities in schools North Texas. Texas ACE. Afterschool Centers in Texas.
  • Communities In Schools of North Texas helps students to be successful by providing various academic, social, and cultural services for students and their families. We are a year-round program that operates before, during and after school.  Communities In Schools seeks to strengthen and promote success in several areas related to student and school life by providing a wide range of services for students as well as their families.  All our services are free.

    These services may include the following:

    • Academic Tutoring and Educational Enhancement
    • Supportive Guidance
    • Social Service referrals and support (school supplies, emergency food, clothing, etc.)
    • Mentoring Programs
    • Enrichment Programs
    • Social Issue Awareness & Prevention
    • Discussions on topics such as character building, self-esteem enhancement, social and communication skills, goal setting, anger management, and study skills
    • Health Enhancement Programs and activities
    • College and Career Awareness

    If you have any questions regarding the Communities In Schools Program, please email your Ever’s CISNT Site Coordinator Marla Suarez at