
    Impact Counselor

    The role of the Impact Counselor is to provide crisis intervention, psycho-educational counseling services, and referrals to community counseling agencies when necessary. The goal of the Impact Counselor is to identify and resolve mental health issues significantly impacting a student’s success in the classroom. Referrals to the Impact Counselor can be made by teachers, administrators, and parents. Most often, students refer to themselves. Denton ISD has long recognized the relationship between academic success and emotional well-being. When students are experiencing significant life stressors, learning may not be their first priority. In response to the growing social and emotional needs experienced by our students, Denton ISD utilizes Impact Counselors on all secondary campuses.

    Impact Counselors meet with students individually and/or in group settings during the school day. Students are responsible for making up any missed schoolwork. Groups are held during lunch, so no instructional time is lost. 
    You may contact Ms. Garza for further information at 940-369-4708. 
    Si necesita ayuda en español, no dude en llamarme al 940-369-4708.


    How would I or my child request counseling services with you?

    Fill out the form: REQUEST A COUNSELOR. Your student must fill this out completely to be put on the request list. Requests are completed during school hours only.

    If my child requests to see you, how will I know?

    The general rule of thumb at Denton ISD is to alert parents after the third meeting with the student. Because some students only need to talk or vent once or twice, it would be very difficult to alert every single parent each time this happened. Generally speaking, three or more meetings suggests a need for consistency and potential parent involvement/awareness. An exception to this is if your child discloses something that needs further intervention or to be reported. See "Limits of Confidentiality" below.

    Can you tell me everything my child says in counseling?

    While you have the right to information regarding your child, it may not always be in the best interest of the child to disclose everything. Confidentiality and trust are extremely important aspects of the counseling relationship, and for that reason I prefer to provide general updates rather than verbatim reports to parents. An exception to this is if your child discloses something that needs further intervention or to be reported. See "Limits of Confidentiality" below. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about this.

    What does counseling entail?

    Truthfully, this answer largely depends on the needs of the individual/family. However, counseling typically includes processing of emotions, psychoeducation, teaching of coping skills/life skills, crisis intervention, and connection to resources. 

    My child doesn't need counseling. They're not "crazy". Why are they being seen by the counselors?

    A common misconception about counseling is that it's only for crazy people. This could not be further from the truth! Counseling is a safe, unbiased, professional space where mental health can be improved. When was the last time someone listened to you objectively, patiently, with their full attention, and without trying to "fix" the situation or share their opinions? This is what the counseling experience is like! We could all use that from time to time. 

    Will my child's privacy be maintained?

    Absolutely. What you/your child says in counseling is confidential, with the following exceptions:
    Limits of Confidentiality:
    1. If I plan to harm myself or someone else
    2. Reports of child abuse/neglect/exploitation, or elder abuse/neglect/exploitation
    3. If I receive a subpoena or court order to disclose records
    4. If you/parents give me written permission to share information
    In a school setting, counseling information is only made available to teachers and staff based on educational need to know.

    What if I need help obtaining school supplies or holiday gifts for my child?

    The Impact counselor can help provide resources in the area. They also have a school-run program granted on a first-come, first-serve basis. For assistance, please fill out this form. 

    Para obtener asistencia de útiles o regalos de navidad, por favor, llene este formulario.