Should an emergency or disaster situation ever arise in our area while school is in session, we want you to be aware that the Denton Independent School District and Wilson have made preparations to respond effectively to such situations. In fact, public schools in Texas are required to meet stringent disaster response standards, and your children may be safer than in your own home in the event of a disaster.
Should we have a major incident or disaster during school hours, your student(s) will be cared for at this school. The DISD has a detailed disaster plan that has been formulated to respond to any crisis situation.
Your cooperation is vital in any emergency. In case of emergency, please help us by doing the following:
- Do not telephone the school. Telephone lines will be needed for emergency communication. Any large overload of services may result in the entire phone system shutting down, disabling phone contact with emergency personnel. It is important for parents not to telephone the school.
- In the event of a serious incident, students will be kept at their school until they are picked up by an identified, responsible adult who has been designated as such on a school district emergency card which is filled out by parents at the beginning of every school year. Please be sure you consider the following criteria when you authorize another person to pick up your child at school:
They are 18 years of age
They are usually home during the day
They could walk to school, if necessary
They are known to your child
They are both aware and able to assume this responsibility
- Turn your radio to KNTU (88.1) for emergency announcements. If students are to be kept at school or evacuated to their alternative site, radio stations will be notified.
- Impress upon your children the need for them to remain calm and quiet and follow the direction of any school personnel in times of an emergency.
Students will be released only to parents and persons identified on the students registration. They might be asked for picture identification. During an extreme emergency, students will be released at designated reunion location on school campuses. Parents should plan on being patient and understanding with the student release process. It is a methodical process designed to ensure that your child has been released to the adult of your choice or is being taken care of by us until you, the parent, arrive. Please instruct your student to remain as school until you or a designee arrives. The decision to keep students at school will be based upon whether or not streets in the area are open. If this occurs, radio stations will be notified. If students are removed from campus, they will be taken to Ginnings Elementary for parent pick-up. Ginnings Elementary is the alternate back up off campus site.
During the threat of severe weather, the students in the portables will be evacuated to the main building well before the weather is predicted to hit. If this occurs during drop off or dismissal, students and their parents will enter the building a go to a weather safe room. We will not be able to release students until the weather has improved.
Please discuss these matters with your family. You may even want to begin your own family plan of action. Planning ahead will help alleviate concern during any type of emergency of disaster incident that might occur.