• EXPO Referral Process and Important Dates


    Identification of students is conducted, not to label students as gifted, but rather to locate students who have specific needs which can be more effectively met through differentiated instruction in the EXPO program.  Students may only be referred once during a 12 month period.

    Nominations may come from faculty, parents, community members or self-nomination.  Persons nominating students must complete a general referral form and submit it to the school office or the campus EXPO specialist during open referral times only. This will begin the process of data collection from various sources regarding the child's ability and potential.  After the referral is received at the campus, a packet of information will be sent to the parents and teachers.

    The identification and selection of students for participation in the program is determined by a three-step process:

    1. referral/nomination

    2. assessment

    3. selection

    The final placement decision is made by the District G/T Selection Committee. 

    Testing will be available twice each year for middle school students, once in the fall and once in the spring.  Each campus will determine the actual testing date to be done on campus after the referral period ends.
    Those that are NEW to the Denton ISD District AND were previously TESTED AND IDENTIFIED FOR GIFTED and TALENTED SERVICES IN THEIR PREVIOUS DISTRICT may need to be re-tested. Testing for this category of student will take place on campus, September 19th.  When registering, notify the counselor and registrar if your child was previously served as a G/T student in another district so that paper work can be obtained from the former district.
    Testing Dates For 2023-2024 School Year:
     09/25/2023 - 10/06/2023 Open referral period for students who would like to test for the program.  No referrals will be accepted before this date or after Friday, October, 6th.  Students who submit a signed referral and permission to test form during this period, will be tested on campus, November 2nd.  Testing will begin at 8:30 AM and end at approximately 2:30 PM.   
    12/08/2023- District committee meeting to review scores and profiles from fall testing.  Letters will be mailed home or sent via email to parents from the district office, with your child's results, shortly after this date.  We will not have scores or placement decisions on our campus before then.  If your child qualifies during the fall testing session, he/she will be placed in EXPO for the beginning of the spring semester. 
    01/22/2024 - 02/09/2024 - Open referral period for spring 2024 begins on Monday, January 22nd and ends on Friday, February 9th. No referrals will be accepted after February 9th. Students who submit a signed referral during this period, will be tested on campus, February 27th. Testing will begin at 8:30 AM and end at approximately 2:30 PM.  Letters containing testing results will then be sent home after the district committee meeting on April 26th. We will not have scores or placement decisions on our campus before then. If your student qualifies for the EXPO program during spring testing, he/she will begin classes in the fall of 2024. 
Last Modified on September 13, 2023