School Counseling Program


    A family of life-long learners committed to the journey of inquiry into the development of our whole self:  academic, social, and emotional.

    Classroom Guidance

    I am in classrooms every day of every week. I see an average of 4-5 classes per day. Classroom guidance is designed to be preventative in nature. Lessons are presented based on predictive needs. For instance during the start of the year, kindergarten lessons are focused on learning to listen and focus attention. I deliver interactive lessons about kindness and empathy, standing up for self and others (being an up stander), coping with anxiety, making friends and being a friend- and SO much more.


    Small Groups

    I meet with students in small groups based on student needs. Groups meet for 6 weeks and most often take place over the lunch period.

     Individual Counseling

    As a school counselor I see individuals briefly and the counseling is very solution focused. If your child is having issues that concern you and require more in-depth counseling please refer to the tab on my page labeled counseling resources. If you are unsure about the type of counseling needed to best aid your child, please feel welcome to reach me by phone, email, or set up an appointment.

     How does a student go about seeing the counselor?

    *A teacher may refer a student

    *A parent may request for a student be seen

    *A student may self-refer.

    **Because I am not often in my office, students should fill out a request to see the counselor slip and turn it in to their teacher or the front office.  I will see them as soon as possible, within 2 days at most.

    NOTE: In the event of an emergency any student may come to the office to see me, if I am in a classroom the office will find me immediately