• Hello ! Welcome to High School!

    David Huey
    Davis School
    Social Studies

    Academic Rules:

    ·         Attempt all work assigned unless you run out of time.

    ·         How does a student earn the opportunity to retake an exam or test?  Students can qualify for the opportunity to retake a test or exam by demonstrating that new learning has occurred and that they have a better understanding of that content. Examples of this process include but are not limited to:  -Completing new work or previously assigned work;  Discussing with the teacher the necessary improvements to achieve content mastery

    ·         When absent you are responsible for requesting the missed work from each teacher.  This work needs to be done in a timely manner.  You will still take all assessments when you return, but will be able to reassess when needed.

    ·         Listen to and follow all instructions given in class.  Read all directions on a given assignment before asking for help.  Failure to do so will result in loss of points.

    ·         Electives -  You will be responsible for keeping up with your elective work while you are enrolled at Davis.  We will request for your elective teachers to send work to you.  You will need to check your @g.dentonisd.org account for work from these teachers.  Please complete all work and turn it in to your school’s liaison teacher.