• AP


    Payment information:

    We are encouraging all payments to be made online if at all possible. (There is no fee for online payments). If you need to bring cash or check made out to Guyer AP Testing and brought to the counseling office, please make sure you have EXACT change to pay for your AP exams. 

     Click here to pay online 

     If your child is taking a 5th, 6th, 7th exam (those will only be $50 each), the first 4 exams will still be the $100. Please make sure you follow this when paying online.


    If you need to sign up for free and reduced lunch click below



    AP Exam Registration Information

    Denton ISD encourages every student in an AP course to take the AP exam. In 2025, nine AP Exams are going fully digital, please visit the AP Digital website for more information. All students in an AP course must complete AP Registration. Registration will be conducted in AP classes during the first few weeks of school through the guidance of the AP teachers. Even if you do not plan to take the AP exam, all students must complete both registration steps to access the College Board’s AP resources. Please read carefully and thoroughly. Haga clic aquí para español.

    AP Exam Registration - Two Steps - MUST BE COMPLETED FIRST!

    Step 1: Total Registration, is the site students use to register for all enrolled AP courses and indicate if they plan on taking the exam. 

    Step 2:  AP Classroom, is an official College Board site to support AP students. 

    AP Exam Important Dates and Deadlines:

    First day of school : AP exam registration opens and students register during their AP class. 

    November 1st : Deadline:

    February 14th : Deadline:


    AP Exam payment through RevTrak:

    Click Here for online payment once you’ve completed both AP Registration steps above

    Students who DO NOT receive free/reduced lunch services : Cost per exam is $100


    Students who DO receive free/reduced lunch services : Cost per exam is $20


    Please register carefully as NO REFUNDS will be issued. 

    View the AP Exam Dates from College Board here

    Important Websites:


    AP Exam Policies and Procedures

    Payment: Payment in full or a deposit is due by the dates listed above to avoid your exam order being canceled. No refunds are issued for exams once the bulk order is placed, register carefully.

    Accommodations: College Board requires accommodations to be approved through their Service for Students with Disabilities (SSD) portal for all College Board exams. Students who receive accommodations in school do NOT automatically qualify for the accommodations on the College Board Advanced Placement exam - even if they have an IEP or 504. The request for accommodations MUST be approved by College Board’s SSD. Please see Denton ISD Guide for Parent/Guardians requesting accommodations for Digital SAT Suite of Assessments and AP Exams for more information. The deadline for the CTC to submit accommodations request to College Board is January 24.

    Test Day Procedures: Students must arrive for their exam at 7:45am or 11:45am depending on if their exam takes place in the morning or afternoon; AP Exam Information. Specific testing information will be emailed prior to testing. Students must bring a photo ID, pencils, pens, and charged district-issued Chromebook if taking a digital AP exam. Phones are NOT allowed in the testing room. Any student caught with a phone during the test will have their test stopped and canceled. 

    Attendance: If you arrive late or miss your AP exam you will NOT be allowed to test and will be expected in your classes. There is NO late testing available unless the student has a school-related event conflict or a conflict with another exam. All school-related conflicts must be communicated to the campus testing coordinator prior to April 15, 2025.


    Home School Students

    Home school students interested in taking AP Exams at their zoned Denton ISD high school campus must complete this registration form, the same registration steps above, and payment all by November 1st. 

    What if I don't remember my username or password?

    If you forget your username or password, don't create another account.

    If you forgot your username, click Forgot Username, and then submit the email address associated with your College Board account. We'll email you all of the usernames associated with your account and indicate which are associated with a College Board test record.

    If you forgot your password, click Forgot Password. Submit the username and email address associated with your account. Answer your security question. If you can't answer it, click Reset Your Password on the security question page to have password reset instructions emailed to you.

    Call college board if you need more assistance with logging in. College Board AP® Services for Students: 888-225-5427 


    Where do I get an admission ticket?

    Students do not need admission tickets to enter the AP Exam testing facilities. However, each student does need a CURRENT picture id, such as a school ID or a driver’s license. Without picture ID students will not be allowed to enter the room.

    What may I bring with me to the exam room?

    Students MUST bring a current picture ID, at least two #2 pencils, pens in blue or black ink, and a calculator if applicable. No cell phones or electronic communication devices are allowed. No iPods or MP3 players are allowed. No highlighters are allowed. Students may NOT bring backpacks, purses, or bags to the testing room.  Water is the only liquid which may be brought inside the exam room.  Snack items brought to the testing room must be stored in clear plastic bags.

    When do I need to report to the testing room?

    For morning exams, students need to report to the back gyms at 7:30 am. For afternoon exams students need to report to the back gyms at 11:30 am. We encourage students to be on time for check-in since there is identification information that must be completed before testing can begin which adds additional time to the testing time. For security reasons, students will not be admitted to the room once the exam materials have been opened. Late arrivals who are not admitted to the room are considered ‘no shows’ and are not eligible for late testing or a refund.

     Do I need to excuse my absence from school during the exam?

    You will automatically be excused for the class periods that are affected by the testing. You are not excused for the entire day. You are responsible for all school work missed during your absence for AP Exams.

    What if I have more than one exam scheduled for the same day and same time? What if I have two exams scheduled on the same day?

    College Board makes provisions for students who would like to register to take two exams that are scheduled at the EXACT same time and date. Please email mwells@dentonisd.org immediately to get information on late testing locations and information. Unfortunately, you would not be eligible for late testing if you are taking two exams back to back (i.e. one in the morning and one in the afternoon).

    What if I decide to not take an exam? Can I get a refund?

    If your child has paid for the exam already, there are no refunds. If you haven't paid for the exam yet you can cancel by emailing mwells@dentonisd.org by November 1st.

    What if I finish the exam early? Can I leave early?

    Per College Board’s security regulations for exams, students may not leave the test until the time is called and all examinees are excused together. If a student leaves without permission, their exam will be collected and submitted separately to College Board. Their score will be canceled and no refund will be possible. Exams are approximately 4 hours. Please be prepared for the duration of the exam.

     What if I get sick and can’t make the exam?

    Unfortunately, there are no makeups. In case of such an emergency, please email mwells@dentonisd.org