• W.S. Ryan Daily Schedule, Arrival & Dismissal Procedures


    *We ask for your patience and compliance with our arrival and dismissal procedures.  We have a systematic process to get several hundred students in and out of school as safely and efficiently as possible.  Modeling rule/law-following, safety, and respect will benefit our children in countless ways! 
    *Anytime you need to change the dismissal method for your child, please be sure you notify the school in writing or by phone.  Otherwise, your child will be dismissed by the method you indicated at registration. 

    *Arrival time and locations are staggered again this year to minimize large crowds in hallways and allow staff to safely supervise students.


    7:10 a.m. - bus students & day care students can arrive

    7:20 a.m. - car riders and walkers can begin arriving (Please stay in your cars in the car line to keep the line moving efficiently. Staff will be there at 7:20 to supervise and assist students.)


    •  Car Rider Drop-Off is in the Cafeteria Circle and the front driveway.  
    •  Bus drop off is in the Gym circle; Day Care drop off is in the cafeteria circle.
    •  Students will go to the gym and line up with their classes if they arrive before 7:30.  After the 7:30 bell rings, they go directly to class. 
    •  If they need to purchase breakfast, they will go to the cafeteria and sit at designated tables while they eat.
    • Please stay in the car line and do not get out of line to pull your car ahead of others. This is a safety risk. Staff members are out there every morning monitoring and signaling for cars to pull forward.  If they are waving you forward, please pull forward so we can have students exit several cars at once and keep the line moving smoothly.
    • If you choose to park and walk your child to the door, please use a parking space and walk your child across the crosswalk. *Do not let your children out of your car in the parking lot and let them walk alone!
    • Morning drop off line is a single line in both the front driveway and cafeteria circle. The second lane is not to be used for drop-off.
    • ****PRE-K is dropped off at the cafeteria doors.****
    • Non-homeroom teachers, support staff, and all paraprofessionals, are all on duty when doors open for students and stationed at all hallways and common areas to greet students, and ensure they know where to go.

    **PreK drop off will now be at the cafeteria circle. The PreK paras will be there to greet them. 


    **Parents are expected to pre-screen their children each day for symptoms of illness.  

    7:30 a.m.

    • Classroom teachers are on duty and students are able to enter classrooms.
    • School day begins with teachers at their doors to greet students

    **Note - to minimize large crowds in hallways and allow teachers to focus their supervision on students, parents/visitors will not be allowed in the building to walk their children to classrooms or the cafeteria. Only students and approved volunteers (Pre-scheduled for specific volunteer duties with school staff) will be allowed in the building during arrival and dismissal times. However, because we know it is important for you to get to know your child's teacher, know where your child's classroom is, and the fun of taking first day pics, parents of students in all grades can walk their children to class on the first two days, August 10th and 11th, with photo ID to sign in.  In addition, PreK and Kinder parents can walk their children in on Monday, August 14th.**

    7:40 a.m.
    • Tardy bell rings and announcements begin; students are expected to be in class ready to learn by this time. They must be inside the classroom by 7:40 in order to not be counted as "tardy" on attendance records.
    • The cafeteria door is closed and locked at the 7:40 bell.  Students arriving after that time need to enter at the front office and ring the bell to enter the building. 
    10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
    • Lunches - One grade level per 30 minute lunch period.  Seating will also continue to be reduced per table. Parents/visitors will be allowed to come in for lunch beginning Monday, August 14th, based on available seating.  All available tables will be used to distance students as much as possible during lunch.
    3:00 p.m. Dismissal (Dismissal will be staggered by dismissal method group to minimize large groups in hallways at the same time.)
    • Car Rider Pick-up line is in the Cafeteria Circle.  Car riders are dismissed from the cafeteria by their car tag  numbers.  Please review your car tag number with your child. The line moves quicker when the students know their car tag number. Parents are asked to stay in their cars to keep the line moving efficiently; staff members will escort students to their cars.  Please have your car tag visible for staff members to see.  If you do not have your car tag, you will need to pull around to the front office with your photo ID. 
    • Day Care and Pre-K Parent Pick-Up is in the Front Driveway.
    • Walkers are dismissed outside the Kindergarten hallway (across from the recess field), and outside the Third Grade hallway along Creekdale. 
    • ESD students are escorted to the ESD check-in location inside the building.
    • Bus Pick-Up is in the Gym Loop. ( A teacher escorts each bus number line to their respective bus.)


    • ***If you need to change your child's dismissal method, we ask that you do this by 2:00 to give the office staff time to relay all dismissal change methods to teachers.  Please do not email or call the teachers; they may not receive their email or voice mail in time, and substitutes do not have access to teacher email or voice mail.  Contact the office for all dismissal changes at 940-369-4600.
    • ***Parents who arrive late for dismissal, after the car line is empty, will need to come to the office and sign out their child. Parents should be at the school at 3:00 p.m. for dismissal.  Staff members need to use the time after school for meetings, conferences, and lesson planning. 
    • ***If something arises after school causing you to be late to pick up your child, please call the front office at 940-369-4600 to let us know when you expect to arrive, or, if it will take a while, which of your emergency contacts will be coming to pick up your child.  If we cannot reach you, our office will contact your emergency contacts to come pick up your child. 


Last Modified on January 22, 2024