•      Silver Spoon Manners
    • Walk quietly into the cafeteria
    • Use bubbles and ducktails or zippers and pockets
    • Be polite and patient in line
    • Get everything that will be needed before you leave the serving area
    • Talk quietly with others at your table
    • Eat with your fork and spoon, not your hands
    • Chew with your mouth closed
    • Eat neatly and clean up any spills
    • Don't leave your table after you have been seated unless you raise your hand and get permission
    • Don't play with your food or utensils
    • Keep your hands and feet to yourself and pockets on the chair seats
    • Throw your trash away properly
    • Neatly stack your empty trays in dishroom window
    • Raise your hand if you need a napkin, utensil or help from the monitor
    • Do not get up from your table until you have been dismissed to put up your tray