All medications, including dietary supplements*, administered at school by school personnel must be accompanied by a doctor's order, including all prescription and over-the-counter medicines such as cough drops, vitamin supplements, pain relievers, etc. Medication will not be administered at school unless it is essential to the health of the child and/or the student's ability to function successfully in the classroom. Three-times-a-day or less medications will not be given during the school day. Doctor's orders are defined as an M.D., Podiatrist, Dentist, or a Nurse Practitioner working under Dr's orders. Labels on medicine and parent request form must match.
When an elementary student must take medicine during the school day, it is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to administer it. When that is not possible, the parent/guardian may arrange with the school nurse to give the medication. These arrangements must be made in writing by completing the MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION REQUEST , which is available from the health office/school nurse. No medication will be given unless this form accompanies the medication in the original, properly marked container. Any changes in the medication requires a new form and a newly labeled container which reflects the change. Parents are responsible for bringing medication to the school themselves.
Elementary students may carry inhalers with them if they have specific doctor's written orders to do so. No other medications may be carried with an elementary student. Medication not picked up by parents at the end of the school year will be discarded after parent notification.
*Dietary/herbal supplements are not regulated by the FDA to ensure quality standards, nor have they been tested for safety or effect on school-aged children. The school nurse will administer these preparations on a case by case basis only after careful consideration with the student's physician, with parental consent and her own agreement to do so in accordance with Board of Nurse Examiners Rules and Regulations 217.11(3) and 217.11(1a).