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Welcome to MMS Science
The middle school science curriculum is a spiraling, integrated curriculum. At each grade level students will learn life, earth, and physical science concepts. Topics spiral through 6th, 7th and 8th grade so that students build on the knowledge gained from one grade level to the next to attain mastery of the subject. Our curriculum also consists of recurring strands such as constancy and change, systems and the relationship between structure and function, which are big picture concepts students need to understand about science.Our science department is made up of very skilled and knowledgeable teachers that promote scientific inquiry and problem solving through hands on laboratory experiences. This year, we will be working together as a team to incorporate the 5E instructional model in our lessons to enhance student learning. As a department we work together closely to provide students with experiences that challenges them and builds self confidence and provides opportunities for students to achieve and succeed. Students exiting our science program at McMath will have the knowledge base and skills to be successful as they continue their science education in high school and as they continue to explore the world around them.
6th Grade- Laura Threlfall
- Jeff Whitt
7th Grade- Paul Gillilan
- Paul Selck
8th Grade- Rosemarie Partridge
- Paul Selck