Rating Reports
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School Report Card Information
The State of Texas School Report Card for each campus is required by the Texas Legislature and prepared by the Texas Education Agency, the state government’s office that oversees public education. The information is provided to the parent or guardian of every child enrolled in a Texas public school.
This report provides information concerning student performance on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) as well as information on student enrollment, class size averages, and financial expenditures. Information in each Denton ISD school report card may vary depending on whether the school is an elementary, middle or high school. In other words, if you have children at both the elementary and secondary levels, the information available in the school report cards may differ for the various campuses you have children at.
According to state law, the school report card must display information about the state, the district and the school. Whenever possible, this information must be reported by race/ethnicity as well as socioeconomic status of the students, and it must include at least two years of results.
Note that campuses that were not open when this information was compiled will not have a report card.
Please contact your school principal if you have questions concerning any information found in your school’s report card. Thank you for your continued support of Denton ISD and public education.