• Lice Management Plan


    Purpose of the plan


    ·        Limit exclusion from school

    ·        Limit risk of lice infestation in the school setting

    ·        Provide a consistent practice for pediculosis in school


    Components of Plan


    Classroom/Home screening

                Not recommended, only when a case is suspected, not entire class only suspected student        

    Notification of possible exposure to classmates

                Parent of suspected student will be contacted

    Letter will be sent home to parents of children in same classroom

    Exclusion practices

                No live lice

                Nits more than ¼ from the scrape permitted

    Education to parent/student/others

                Nurse will discuss appropriate removal with parent

                Nurse will furnish current education materials to teachers and staff

    Cleaning environment (school & home)

                Only personal items – bedding, hats, combs

                Classroom cleaning – vacuum rugs