• Spirit Denton ISD Academic Integrity Policy

    Academic integrity is an essential element to the Denton Independent School District’s philosophy and practice of promoting academic excellence. For an academic institution to be successful, an honor code and consequences for violating the honor code must be established. Indeed, once the student is in a university, college, or workplace, any form of dishonesty will result in serious penalties, including automatic course failure and expulsion, losing your job, etc.


    Cheating, dishonesty, and plagiarism will not be tolerated in Denton I.S.D.


          Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:
    • Taking, stealing, and/or using an assignment from someone else and submitting it as one’s own.

    • Allowing another to take and/or use an assignment to submit as his/her own.

    • Looking at another’s test or essay with or without his consent for the purpose of duplicating that work and submitting it as one’s own.

    • Representing as one’s own the work or words of a parent, sibling, friend, or anyone else.

    • Discussing or revealing the contents of a test or quiz with students who have not completed the assessment.

    • Unauthorized use of teacher test materials, answer sheets, computer files, or grading programs.

    • Using any type of “crib/cliff notes” on your person, an object, or programmed within graphing calculators, palm pilots, cell phones, or other electronic devices without teacher permission.

    • Receiving answers for assignments or exams from any unauthorized source.

    • Working on assignments with others when not authorized by the instructor.

    • Copying from other students during an exam.

    • Giving answers to another student for an assignment or exam.

    Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:

    • Agreeing with other students to commit academic dishonesty.

    • Falsification of results from research or laboratory experiments.

    • Written or oral presentation of results from research which was never performed.

    Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to the following examples:

    • Directly quoting or paraphrasing all or part of another’s written or spoken words without notes or documentation within the body of a work.

    • Presenting an idea, theory, or formula originated by another person as the original work of the person submitting that work.

    • Purchasing or receiving in any other manner a term paper or other assignment that is the work of another person and submitting that assignment as the student’s own work

    • Repeating information, such as statistics or demographics, which is not common knowledge and which was originally compiled by another person.


    Plagiarism is defined in Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language as:

    “To steal or purloin and pass off as one’s own the ideas, words, artistic productions of another; to use without due credit the ideas, expressions or productions of another.”

    The MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing further defines plagiarism as:

    “Forms of plagiarism include the failure to give appropriate acknowledgments when repeating another’s wording or particularly apt phrase, paraphrasing another’s argument, and presenting another’s line of thinking.

    You may certainly use other person’s words and thoughts, but the borrowed material must not appear to be your creation. In your writing, then, you must document everything you borrow; not only direct quotations and paraphrases, but also information and ideas.”

    Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1998.

    Plagiarism.org indicates:

    “Plagiarism is the improper use of, or failure to give credit to another person’s writing, visual or musical representation, or ideas. It can be an act as subtle as inadvertently neglecting to use quotation marks or references when using another source or as blatant as knowingly copying an entire paper, or parts of a paper, and claiming it as your own.”








    1. Document suspected or observed


    Classroom Teacher



    2. Conference with student and determine that cheating/plagiarism has occurred.

    Classroom Teacher



    If the teacher concludes that cheating/plagiarism has occurred:

    3. Mandatory contact with parent

    ● Document the contact

    ● Identify consequences administered

    Classroom Teacher

    Campus Administrator

    ● Mandatory resubmission of assignment or assessment after meeting specific criteria in order to qualify to resubmit or reassess.

    ● Possible 1 day in ISSC

    ● Place documentation in Academic Integrity Folder within the Discipline Folder



    4. Inform the following campus staff:

    ● Academic Instructional Leader

    (Department Chair)

    ● Student’s assigned assistant principal

    ● Coach(s) – specific to student’s


    ● Sponsor(s) – specific to

    student’s involvement

    ● National Honor Society

    Classroom Teacher




    5. Place documentation in the student’s Academic Integrity Folder until the end of the academic school year.

    Classroom Teacher



    AIP in PDF format: Click here: AIP