• StuCo Responsibilities

    • Community Service: Community service projects throughout Denton

    • D*A*S*H (Drugs, Alcohol, Safety, and Health): Responsible for events like Red Ribbon Week and awareness programs at elementary and middle schools

    • Energy and Environment: Environmental wellness, Involves community beneficial projects (e.g., caulking windows to conserve energy, gathering recyclables to raise money)

    • Pride and Patriotism: projects that raise patriotism, school spirit events, Homecoming planning 

    • Publicity: Hang posters, make announcement slides, instagram page, spread information about upcoming events and activities

    • Special Projects: any project that doesn't seem to fall into the other categories or projects for groups that need more help; Community Garden, Dude Be Nice Week, High Five Monday, Senior Showcase, Homecoming Carnival

    • Teacher Appreciation and Prom

    • Renaissance: projects to reward students (validation, student of the month, off campus lunch).