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Withdraw Procedures
We are sad to see you go and wish you nothing but the best!
If your student has any outstanding balances, books, equipment, Chromebook (and charger), or uniforms, the Registrar’s Office will have to collect those items before completing the withdraw packet.
To complete the withdraw process, please visit our campus and complete a Student Withdraw form at the Front Office. For student safety, only a parent or guardian listed on the Birth Certificate can un-enroll a student.
Once the above process is complete, we can provide you with a student withdraw packet containing everything that your student will need to enroll at their new school.
Due to student confidentiality, we cannot send information via Email.
If your student is seeking a home school program, please know that Denton ISD requires the completion of an Exhibit J which states that your student will be starting on a specified date; this informs the registrar's office on how we should expect the request for records for your student and helps assure that your student is being provided educational services. A blank Exhibit J can be found HERE.