The Denton ISD ESSER III Use of Funds Plan was reviewed and updated on April 7, 2023.
Additional resources:
- ESSER III Plan Document
- ESSER III Infographic
- June 22, 2021, ESSER III Plan Board Presentation (Evidence of opportunity to comment and documentation of meaningful consultation with stakeholders.)
- Program Schedules: ESSER III Grant Application
- August 16, 2022, Thought Exchange (Evidence of opportunity to comment and documentation of meaningful consultation with stakeholders.)
The ESSER III Grant was authorized through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) signed into law in March 2021. During the summer of 2021, Denton ISD engaged in feedback processes with the staff, teachers, administrators, parents, students, and community members, including groups such as civil rights organizations, disability rights, organizations, and stakeholders of children with disabilities, emergent bilinguals, children experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, and other groups that are underserved. Examples of our feedback processes included: a survey, input via the website, discussion at a Board of Trustees Meeting and meaningful dialogue among stakeholder groups. The plan was developed based on the feedback received. Denton ISD was awarded $22,718,562 to be expended through Sept. 30, 2024.
*A minimum of 20% must be dedicated to Unfinished Learning (Accelerated Instruction).
Unfinished Learning: $6.3M
Support For Teachers
Zone Impact Coaching: $1,300,000
Impact coaches, including bilingual, will provide the development of campus coaches and teachers. The coaches will provide professional development that focuses on accelerated learning and intervention based on student learning data. The efforts will include service and support for students in specialized programs (e.g. Sp Ed, Dual Language, dyslexia, etc). Teacher well-being will be addressed through planned activities. -
Rigorous Instructional Materials
Curriculum Writing/Materials Development: $270,000
District curriculum will be adapted to include social and emotional learning options within formative assessments, lesson planning, conferring, and goal-setting resources. New units and courses will be developed to address intervention needs based on student performance data. Training will be provided to teachers to support the implementation of the new units and courses. -
More Time
Summer Learning Program: $2,400,000
Denton ISD will be adding instructional time for students in a number of ways during the summer months. First, Summer Jump Start will include an accelerated approach to learning. Jump Start is designed for elementary, middle school, Algebra I, and Emergent Bilingual students. The Summer Boost Program is designed to support high school students with the potential for inclusion into more rigorous courses. High School credit recovery courses are designed to assist students in recovering credit for courses during the summer months.Tutorials: $1,692,000
Opportunities for high intensity tutoring will be during the day, before, and after school. Students will receive 30 minutes, twice a week of tutoring individually or in small groups (3 or less). With parent permission, the groups may be more than three. Evidence-based instructional supplies, materials, & resources to be used during tutoring sessions. -
Empower Parents
Bilingual Homework Hotline: $180,000
Assist emerging bilingual students and parents with needs such as homework, instructional support, and mentoring.
Parent & Family Engagement Coordination: $390,000
Two staff members would be responsible for coordinating wraparound services, social-service connections, parent/family engagement activities and assisting with social-emotional support.
Other Expenses: $13M
Additional Projects
K-8 Virtual Academy: $5,550,000
Provided to a limited number of students in k-8th grade.Parent Hotline & Help desk: $303,800
Provided to assist parents with technology needs. -
Pre-Award Expenses
The following categories were deemed eligible as COVID-related expenses occurring after March 2020.
Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Retention Stipend: $2,085,601.75
COVID-19 Premium Pay & Leave Pay: $2,419,593.23
COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment, Supplies, Other: $1,336,627.00
Technology to Support COVID-19 Closure: $248,517.87
Chromebook Purchases I: $449,108.66
Chromebook Purchases II: $484,488.16
K-8 Virtual Academy (start-up costs): $60,509.47 -
*$3.4M for growth and inflationary cost