Board Meeting: January 26, 2021

BOARD NOTES – January 26, 2021



January is School Board Recognition month in Texas and Denton ISD is joining districts across the state in recognizing the outstanding work our Trustees put in each year to ensure the children of the 17 communities Denton ISD serves receive a quality education. 


Texas is home to more than 5 million public school children who are enrolled in more than 1,100 school districts. That translates into 7,200 volunteers who are elected by their local citizens to act as trustees – making effective and good decisions to benefit the education of our community’s young people.


New Business


Consider Approval of High School Course Planning Guide 2021-2022. Motion by and Mia Price seconded by Charles Stafford To approve the High School Course Planning Guide for 2021-2022 The motion passed unanimously of Board members present and voting.


Consider Approval of Middle School Course Planning Guide 2021-2022. Motion by Jim Alexander and seconded by Jeanetta Smith To approve the Middle School Course Planning Guide for 2021-2022 The motion passed unanimously of Board members present and voting