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Board Meeting: May 11, 2021
BOARD NOTES – May 11, 2021
Workshop Items
Covid-19 Update
Dr. Matt Richardson, Denton County Public Health Department provided the Board with the COVID-19 update. The current COVID-19 statistics are 3,347 active cases with 71,139 total recoveries and 506 total deaths. As of 9 am Monday, May 10th the Denton County Health Department had invited all of the 507,414 individuals that were on the waitlist. Friday, May 14th is the final drive-thru clinic at the Texas Motor Speedway. The FDA has now authorized the Pfizer vaccine for school aged children 12-15.
Budget Discussion 2021-2022
Dr. Scott Niven, Chief Financial Officer and Jennifer Stewart, Director of Budget provided updated budget information. Jennifer provided the Board with information on the first preliminary property values, 2021-2022 Projections for ADA, Revenue and expenditures, preliminary discussion on the compensation plan and a ESSER funding update. The district’s property values are 2.8 billion above what we received this time last year and has added 1 billion in property growth and depicts the amount of growth within our district. Jennifer provided a seven-year history of property value growth comparisons and will continue to monitor this. The District is expecting to receive certified values in July. The District is also exploring the possibility of providing employees an additional $500 in the month of June funded through ESSER if allowed.
Discussion of Early Childhood Education
Cecilia Holt, new Early Childhood Coordinator provided information regarding the Early Childhood Education department for the 2021-2022 school year. Ms. Holt discussed the continuation and expansion of Early Childhood Education programs and available space in current buildings, current enrollment, and additional programs to serve all eligible students.
The Denton ISD Early Childhood Education program provides an outstanding instructional program and services for the social and emotional development for children ages birth through age 5 as well as community support and partnerships for parents.
Discussion of Expansion of Dual Language Programs
Teresa Luna-Taylor, Director of Bilingual and ESL provided the Board with an updated information regarding the campus location for the expansion of the dual language program in the Braswell High School (BHS) Zone for the 2021-2022 school year.
The expansion of the dual language program at Cross Oaks Elementary in the BHS zone will allow PreK Spanish-speaking emergent bilingual students to receive the recommended language services closer to their homes. Parents will have easier access to enroll their PreK child in the LPAC recommended dual language program instead of accepting the ESL services currently offered at their zone campus. These DL students greatly benefit as studies show they outperform non-DL peers in two important ways: English learners reached English proficiency at higher rates and DL students performed as well as or better than their peers in the core content areas. More importantly, students maintain their native language while adding another language, and they develop pride in their own culture while developing an understanding of
others. The rigorous academic curriculum in two languages prepares students to be successful in a college bound, globalized future.
Report Items
International Baccalaureate (IB) Report
Dr. Dan Ford, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction provided the Board of Trustees with a 2021 IB report. The International Baccalaureate Programmes in Denton ISD continues to be a premier destination for outstanding instruction and college prep. This report is provided to the Board of Trustees as an update on the current status of the District’s IB programme.
Each individual programme has provided rich information so the Board can see how we have adapted through the global pandemic to continue our rigorous curriculum and guided students to success. In addition, each of our IB campuses are working to fulfill requirements set forth by the IB Organization. Due to the global pandemic, the training of teachers was extremely limited. As a result, the number of teachers we typically train will double.
Legislative Updates for the 87th Legislative Session Report
Deron Robinson, General Counsel and Dr. Gwen Perkins, Area Superintendent provided updates and resources to the Board of Trustees regarding the 87th Legislative Session.
2020-2021 5th Reporting Period Attendance Report
Angela Ricks, Director of Student Support Services provided the Board with the attendance report for the 5th reporting period for 2020-2021 school year (March 1, 2021, through April 16, 2021) and to compare this data to prior years. This report will also identify current truancy prevention measures being used on Denton ISD campuses to increase student attendance.
There are 27 instructional days in this 5th Reporting Period. The district ADA% for 2020-2021 Reporting Period 5 is 96.78%, we do not have any data to compare this to from last school year due to COVID-19. EP Rayzor had the highest attendance percentage for elementary campuses in Denton ISD at 98.54%. Crownover had the highest attendance percentage for middle school campuses in Denton ISD at 98.6%. Guyer had the highest attendance percentage for high school campuses in Denton ISD at 97.38%. Denton ISD campuses had 39,921 unfunded absences in the 5th reporting period. Elementary School had 10,387 excused absences and 13,050 unexcused absences. Middle School had 2,801 excused absences and 8,788 unexcused absences. High School had 1,892 excused absences and 3,003 unexcused absences.