Board of Trustees
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Board Meeting: August 24, 2021
Workshop Items
Legal Update
Deron Roberson, General Counsel, provides updates and resources to the Board of Trustees regarding the current state of the law as it pertains to Executive Order No. GA-38 and associated legal authority.
COVID-19 Update
Susannah O’Bara, Area Superintendent provided the Trustees with an update on the Coronavirus and reviewed the procedures for COVID19 positive cases for students and employee cases.
Student Liaison Board of Trustees-Jump Start Program 2021
The workshop will highlight student voices from the Middle School Jump Start Summer 2021 program with an emphasis on Action Civics. Further, a Jump Start teacher will share the purpose of the Action Civics endeavor. Additionally, the workshop will give a preview of future Student Voice Workshops that will be shared over the course of the school year.
Discussion and Review of TASB Policy Update 117 & Revisions to Policy CNB (Local) & Policy FEE (Local)
TASB Policy Update 117 focuses on updating and reorganizing policies throughout the Board Policy Manual. Specifically, CH(Local) grants the Superintendent the authority to contract for the replacement, construction, or repair of school equipment or facilities in accordance with law, in the event of an emergency, as necessary for the health and safety of District students and staff.
In CV(Local), reference is made to changes in CH(Local). DEC(Local) reflects changes to the leaves and absences policy. It is also being recommended that the District update CNB(Local) in order to allow other governmental entities to contract with Denton ISD for transportation services so long as the use does not conflict with school operations. Additionally, it is recommended that policy FEE(Local) be deleted. The information within this policy will be updated in the Student Handbook in regards to off-campus lunch as approved by the principal.
In addition to these local changes, Update 117 includes several other legal policies affected by legislation from the 86th Legislative Session that were not included in Update 115 and 116 and incorporates changes from the revised Administrative Code rules that impose changes effective with the 2021-2022 school year.
Update 117 contains revisions to 26 legal policies, 3 local policies, and 1 exhibit.
Discussion of Resolution for Additional Leave for COVID-19 Illness
This report is to present to the Board of Trustees, for their review and discussion, a Resolution to address the concern for employees who have personally tested positive for COVID-19 and have exhausted all other leaves. This will allow full-time employees to use up to 80 hours of paid sick leave for their own test-confirmed COVID-19 illness. For part-time employees, the District will prorate up to 80 hours of paid sick leave with a positive COVID-19 test. Read the news release here.
Report Items
Bond Progress Report
Kathy Lawson, Bond Committee Co-Chair presented the Board with an overview of the Bond Progress Committees meeting held on August 18, 2021.
Denton ISD – Quarterly Growth Report 2nd Quarter 2021
Bob Templeton, Zonda formerly known as Templeton Demographics, provided trustees the 2nd Quarter Growth Report. The impact of COVID-19 caused record levels of unemployment, rising in May after Texas began to reopen. Leisure and hospitality and retail trade accounted for the largest share of the employment increase after accounting for the largest declines. The unemployment rate is 13.3 percent. Texas and DFW’s unemployment rates peaked in May and began dropping in June with the largest declines in leisure, hospitality, education, and health services.
Median home prices remain near record highs across the state.
Home inventory was tight as sales dropped in April. In the month of June, total monthly home sales rebounded and surpassed 2019 levels in Austin, DFW, Houston, and San Antonio. Low-interest rates resulted in a fast recovery for the housing market and we are growing faster than a year ago. Annual starts are up by 15 percent, annual closings are 12.4 percent and builders may exceed their 2020 projections. DFW’s multi-family market is down about 1 percent and has not fared as well.
Denton ISD is now ranked first, as the fastest-growing school district in DFW based on new housing with 2,841 annual closings. Denton ISD has 55 actively building subdivisions with 42 future subdivisions and approximately 4,881 future multi-family units in the planning stages.
Construction Report
Garry Ryan, Executive Manager of Construction, Planning & Growth provided the Board of Trustees an overview of the current construction projects.
Denton High School projects completed within the past 90 days
- Load bearing CMU for main building
- Structural steel on main building
- Installation of sod on practice athletic fields
- Complete CMU on Athletic/Shop Areas
- Created punch list for classroom wings with VLK
Upcoming tasks
- Start up air conditioning in gymnasiums
- Completion of ALL roofing on main building
- Start installation of turf on field events
- Start installation of kitchen equipment inside the kitchen
- Continue Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing overhead in auditorium
- Continue working on punch lists with VLK
Strickland Middle School renovation and projects completed within the past 90 days.
- Demolition in the 6th grade classroom wing and old reception
- New construction in the 6th grade classroom wing, art rooms and science labs
- Completion of terrazzo floor in fine arts and athletic areas
- Started installation of science casework, millwork, door, and hardware in all areas
- Landscaping at front entry area
- Removal of portable buildings to the ATC campus
Upcoming tasks
- Complete installation of the metal panels on the building on the building exterior
- Complete west side parking lot
- Complete landscaping on the south and west side of the campus
- Complete the punch list for the completed areas
Schultz Elementary (formerly Woodrow Wilson Elementary) replacement project and items completed past 90 days.
- Building completion
- Faculty and staff move in
- Existing building demolition
- North parking lot paving
Upcoming tasks
- Complete utilities work
- Complete earthwork
- South parking lot paving
- Landscaping and playground work
Ryan High School renovations and projects were completed within the past 90 days.
- Area C (band hall, percussion room) interior renovations
- Area G (cafeteria, kitchen) interior renovations
- Area H (admin, food labs) interior renovations
- Area M (art rooms, lecture hall, floral room) interior renovations
- Terrazzo flooring restorations in corridors
- Group restroom renovations
- Press box swap at football fields
- Football visitor stands, scoreboard and sound system
- Remaining concrete paving
Upcoming tasks
- Complete CMU at auditorium addition
- Completing structural steel at auditorium addition
- MEP overhead at auditorium addition
- Ceilings at auditorium additions
- Interior finishes at auditorium additions
- Rigging and stage equipment at auditorium addition
- Landscaping and irrigation at islands and building
Guyer High School renovations and projects completed within the past 90 days.
- Finishes, flooring and glazing at the new football fieldhouse
- MEP upgrades at Ag barn
- Demolition, UG plumbing, MEP rough-in, framing, finishes, flooring and lockers in main building athletics area and existing fieldhouse
- Landscaping around football field house & new parking lot
- Stage drapery and started installation of theatrical controls in auditorium
- Started UG plumbing, roof penetrations, framing and finishes for the consumer science lab
Upcoming tasks
- Complete interior punch list work on all renovated areas
- Complete irrigation, landscaping around the baseball field, and Ag. barn
- Complete installation of fencing and gates after the concrete paving is complete
- Complete the finishes, flooring, and installation of appliances in the consumer science lab
- Start sidewalk addition, LED lights replacement, new exhaust fan in the welding shop, and other added work
Mr. Ryan also provided an update on construction projects for Braswell High School additions that includes a classroom wing addition which is planned for a 9th-grade addition. The classroom wing will increase the student capacity from the current 2400 to 3200 students. Garry also reviewed the new stadium complex that will hold approximately 7000. The complex will include a track, food truck area, new home and visitor locker rooms, a media suite in the press box, and a press box lobby.
Braswell High School renovations and projects completed within the past 90 days.
- Home side tower slab poured
- Visitor side foundations
- Classroom south steel erection and decking
- Gym decking and temporary roof
- Finishes, flooring and glazing at the new football fieldhouse
- Tennis court resurfacing and new slab
- South and central parking lot paving
Upcoming tasks
- Home side towers CMU and steel
- Visitor side MEP rough-in and slabs
- Classroom slab on metal deck
- Gym interior paint and exterior brick
- Tennis court new surfacing and fencing
2021 Summer School Programs Report
- Elementary Jump Start
- Total Enrollment: 1,768
- # Teachers: 224
- July 19 - July 29 (M-Th only, 8 days), 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
- Administrator: Tiffany Gonzalez
Face-to-face (F2F) instruction at each elementary school provides accelerated learning. Breakfast and lunch provided.
Two focus areas:
- Math + Literacy (5th grade science)
- Incoming 1st graders - Incoming 5th graders
- Included one deaf ed student and one deaf ed teacher.
Middle School Jump Start
- Total Enrollment: 340
- # Teachers: 70
- July 19 - July 29 (M-Th only, 8 days), 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
- Administrator: Jeff Panter
F2F instruction at each middle school (Crownover, Harpool, McMath met at GHS)
- No student fees
- Breakfast provided
- Two focus areas: Math (accelerated instruction to support success in the upcoming math course) + Action Civics (In the Action Civics experience students gain the civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to make change on issues they care about.)
HS Algebra I Jump Start
- Total Enrollment: 60
- # Teachers: 8
- Administrator: Jeff Panter
- July 19 - July 29 (M-Th only, 8 days), 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
F2F accelerated instruction at each middle school (Crownover, Harpool, McMath met at GHS)
- No student fees
- Breakfast provided
- Single focus area: Preparation for success in HS Algebra I
Special Education ESY (Extended School Year)
- Total Enrollment: 29
- Administrators: Laura Davis (elementary), Kristi Roberts (secondary)
- June 8 - June 24 Session 1 (M-Th); July 12 - July 22 Session 2 (M- Th)
- Elementary 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM; Secondary 8:30 AM -11:30 AM
- Focus - Goals as determined by the ARD committee considering documented
- regression/recoupment data.
- Face-to-face (Alexander, FMHS) and/or virtual as selected by parent and district covid
- procedures.
- Current PK-12 (in 2020-2021)
HS Summer Credit Recovery
- Total Enrollment: 986
- # of Credits Earned: 606
- # Teachers: 44
- Administrator: Dr. Nicole Jund
- June 1 - July 1
- Self-paced using Edgenuity online platform and content
- Diagnostic-based (supports students accessing multiple courses, as needed)
Bilingual Education/ESL PreK-K Summer School
- Total Enrollment: 161
- # Teachers: 13
- Administrator: Jesus Lujan
- June 1- June 30 (M-Th, 18 days)
- Virtual synchronous and asynchronous instruction and/or F2F
- Two focus areas: Math & Literacy
- Incoming kinder and first grade students
HS ESL Summer Credit Recovery
- Total Enrollment: 33
- # of Credits Earned: 22
- # Teachers: 4
- Administrator: Jackie San Miguel
- June 1 - June 30
- Virtual with both synchronous and asynchronous learning students may enroll in up to 1 course at a time. Students who successfully complete a course are able to enroll in an additional course.
- Courses available: English I, II, III, IV (including ESOL I & II); Alg I, Geometry, Alg II, Math Models; Biology, Chemistry, Physics; World Geo, World Hist, US Hist, Government, Economics
Braswell Boost Program
- Total Enrollment: 12
- Teachers: 4
- Administrator: Dawn McCullough
- Dates and Times: July 26-July 29, Half days
- Audience: Students were invited to BHS for advanced academic experiences to create success for fall honors and AP courses. Students will receive teacher mentors in the fall.
- Purpose: To increase first time or underrepresented student populations in honors/AP courses.
- HS Original Credit/Dual Credit
- Students wishing to earn credit for a course they have not yet taken have several summer options. Most academic/core courses are available. Advanced approval required, and fees
- apply. Options include:
- Examination for Advancement (CBE)
- Texas Virtual Schools Network
- UT High School and TTU K-12
- Dual Credit (Courses available: HIST 1013, HIST 1023, MATH 1303, MATH 1313,
- ECO 1023, POLS 2013, POLS 2023)
10 Day Enrollment Count
Dr. Gwen Perkins, Area Superintendent provided the Board with the current numbers of student registrations. Denton ISD utilizes an InfoSnap online registration system to manage the enrollment/registration of our returning students and our new to Denton students. Denton ISD’s 2022 school year 5-day count was 30,799. This represents an increase of 1,354 students when compared to last year’s 5-day count which was 29,445. An updated count will be provided for day 9 during the board meeting on Tuesday, August 24, 2021. In addition, there were 290 students enrolled in the K-8 Virtual Academy on day 5.
On the first day of school Denton ISD had 28,467 students enrolled. There were 13,575 elementary students and 14,892 secondary students. This is an increase of 1,654 students when compared to the first day of school in 2020-2021 when 26,813 students were enrolled. In the 2019-2020 school year, 29,195 students were enrolled on the first day of school. In addition, there were 232 students enrolled in the K-8 Virtual Academy this school year.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has extended universal free lunch to all children throughout the United States through the end of the 2021-2022 school year. This extension allows Denton ISD Child Nutrition to continue to provide free breakfast and lunch to all currently enrolled Denton ISD students - regardless of their family’s income - until the end of the school year. We are currently working to identify another process for identifying students who are economically disadvantaged.
Community Spotlight: Each year the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) honors businesses and organizations for their support and exceptional advocacy of local schools. This state-wide honor, as part of “Stand Up for Texas Public Schools,” recognizes local businesses and community organizations who partner with districts, making a difference in the lives of local public-school students.
This past winter, Harpool Middle School sustained a significant amount of damage due to sub-freezing temperatures and subsequent flooding. Our partners at Modern Woodmen stepped in and helped “shore up” our faculty and staff. They provided funds to replace supplies, meals, and overall morale support for our team.
In addition to directly supporting our staff, they pride themselves on serving our schools and community. As a perennial Adopt-A-School partner, the team from Woodmen always seems to step in when we have a gap that needs filling, mainly due to their local connection and tremendous belief in public education.
Representatives from Modern Woodmen include Tim Smith, Regional Director; Tim Eaton, Managing Partner; Tiffany Labreck, Financial Representative; Hector Flores, Financial Representative; Dan Dickenson, Financial Representative; Kyler Dawson, Financial
Representative; Meghann Cross, Financial Representative; Alex Cole, Marketing Coordinator
Jeff Smith serves as the principal of Harpool Middle School.
Educator Spotlight: You can’t visit W.S. Ryan Elementary School without becoming an admirer of Mr. Jimmy Davis’ work. As primary custodial support serving on campus for more than a decade, Mr. Jimmy (as he is lovingly called) takes great pride in his role. Often arriving before sunrise, especially when there are special events, he shows his commitment to our students and staff by preparing each room with love, care and a positive attitude. For his attention to detail and passion for education, we wish to celebrate Jimmy Davis and focus our spotlight on his extraordinary efforts.
Nicole Poole serves as the principal of W.S. Ryan Elementary. Ron Gross and Andrew Garlick are our partners at SSC.