Board Notes: October 12, 2021

BOARD NOTES – Oct. 12, 2021

Workshop Items

Student Liaison - Board of Trustees/Ryan Zone

The purpose of the report is to provide students a ‘voice’ in sharing their perspectives, suggestions, and recommendations to the Board of Trustees. This group of young students shared their thoughts as students of our dual language program, which is unique to the Ryan Zone. Dr. Gwen Perkins, Area Superintendent introduced several students (elementary,

middle & high school) who have participated in the dual language program.


Discussion of Elementary and Secondary Campus Improvement Plans for 2021-2022

The Campus Improvement Planning is compiled after each district campus leadership team completes a campus comprehensive needs assessment. The purpose of this report is to share each campus improvement plan with the board to show how our goals and action steps are aligned to board goals, district goals, and campus goals. The plans are a working, living document that provide each camp a pathway for student success. This report will show each campus goal (s), action steps to reach that goal, any financial implications, persons responsible, and a timeline for achieving the goal. The CIP’s will highlight the great work our district is doing to support student achievement, student engagement, and social/emotional learning.


Covid Report

Susannah O’Bara, Assistant Superintendent provided the Board with the most up to date COVID case data from the Denton County Public Health Department. Denton ISD’s will remain in constant communication with DCPH regarding guidance and protocols for the health and safety of our community.


Consider Approval of DCAD Board of Directors Nomination Resolution

Board of trustees nominated Charles Stafford and Roy Atwood for the DCAD Board of Directors. 


  • First Denton honored as this month’s community spotlight