Board Notes: December 14, 2021

BOARD NOTES – Dec. 14, 2021

Workshop Items

Annual Safety and Security Update
Dr. Jeff Russell, Area Superintendent of Academic Programs, provided an overview and update of district safety and security procedures and their alignment with the new legislation. 

Lt. David Mays highlighted security precautions and reviewed enhancements that the district has implemented regarding student and staff safety. Safety Audits are conducted at campuses each 3-year term involving Hazard identification/mitigation; system checks of alarms, phones, and video equipment; review of safety, evacuation and reunification plans; and risk management. Officer Mays also mentioned the DISD Student Resource Officers completed training on: Improvised first aid conducted by Dr. Harry Stinger, Trauma Surgeon Medical City Denton; tabletop scenario development and implementation and crisis negotiations for first responders. Denton ISD appreciates our Student Resource Officers that serve our campuses from the Denton County Sheriff’s Office; Denton Police Department; Denton County Water District Police Department; Little Elm Police Department and Oak Point Department of Public Safety.

Discussion of 2021-2022 Calendar Modifications
Susannah O’Bara, Assistant Superintendent for Academic Programs presented the proposed modifications to the current 2021-2022 school calendar. The modifications include an early release day on February 9, 2022, and April 13, 2022, so teachers have additional PLC collaboration time with their fellow co-workers.

Discussion and Review of LaGrone Academy Renovations & Additions
Garry Ryan, executive manager of construction, planning and growth, provides an overview of current status expansion at LaGrone Academy.

Jason Blanks, VLK Architect presented the additions and renovations proposed for the LaGrone Academy. May 5, 2018, the Denton ISD community approved a $750.5 million capital improvement plan to address the district’s facility needs for existing and new facilities in Denton ISD for the next several years. The addition to La Grone Academy will allow for an increase in student capacity through at a minimum an addition of one culinary lab, one cosmetology lab, one life science lab, and six classrooms. The addition of these spaces provides instructional space for 172 additional students while providing spaces for core academic courses. These core
academic spaces are necessary to provide for students who desire to attend La Grone Academy as their home campus. The LaGrone Academy addition is planned for completion the Fall 2023.


Report Items

Attendance Boundary Modifications
Dr. Jeff Russell, Area Superintendent provided the Board of Trustees an overview of proposed attendance boundary modifications to Paloma Creek Elementary and Union Park Elementary School. This will also establish the boundary modifications for Sandbrock Ranch Elementary. During recent attendance boundary discussions, the District explored the impact of future developments on the enrollment at Sandbrock Ranch Elementary. With current attendance boundaries, these future developments would have significant impact to enrollment capacity at Union Park Elementary and Paloma Creek Elementary. After review of demographic impact research provided by Zonda Demographics, we propose adjusting the attendance boundaries of Union Park and Paloma Creek Elementary Schools to allow this future development of the Sandbrock Elementary School boundary. Sandbrock Ranch Elementary is planned to open 2022-2023 school year.

Attendance Reporting Period 2 - 2021-2022 
Angela Ricks, Director of Student Support Services, provided a review of the 2nd-period attendance report for 2021-2022.
The purpose of this report is to provide campus and district ADA percentages for the 2nd Reporting Period of the 2021-2022 school year (September 27, 2021, through November 5, 2021) and to compare this data to prior years. This report will also identify current truancy prevention measures being used on Denton ISD campuses to increase student attendance. There are 28 instructional days in this 2nd Reporting Period. The district ADA % for 2020-2021 Reporting Period 2 is 93.72%, this is a decrease from last school year when the ADA % was 97.41%. Because school districts have reported to TEA that attendance rates have declined due to COVID-19, the agency is implementing an adjustment to operational minutes to address attendance issues caused by COVID-19 during the first reporting period. EP Rayzor had the highest ADA percentage for elementary campuses in Denton ISD at 96.76%. Harpool had the highest ADA percentage for middle school campuses in Denton ISD at 95.51%. Guyer had the highest ADA percentage for high school campuses in Denton ISD at 93.51%.
Covid Report
Susannah O’Bara, Assistant Superintendent provided the Board with the most up to date COVID case data from the Denton County Public Health Department. Denton ISD’s will remain in constant communication with DCPH regarding guidance and protocols for the health and safety of our community.
2021 Taxable Bond Refunding Update
Dr. Scott Niven, Deputy Superintendent provided the Board with an update on the 2021 Bond refunding. On Tuesday, December 7, 2021, Denton Independent School District (“DISD” or the “District”) sold its Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Taxable Series 2021 (the “Series 2021 Refunding Bonds”) to refund a portion of its existing bonds (the “Bonds to be Refunded”) at a lower interest rate. Denton ISD was able to reduce the interest rate on a portion of its existing debt from 4.48% to 1.90% which generated a direct savings of $8,401,015 (net of all costs) for the District and its taxpayers. Denton ISD has now lowered its overall borrowing cost by $187,852,629 since year 2005 by refinancing its outstanding bonds at a lower interest rate. Moreover, the District’s aggregate savings (inclusive of refunding’s, prepayments, the use of variable rate bonds and the swaps) is now $290,638,113 since year 2005.
Other Items of Note
Approval of new Business: DCAD

TASB Update
Approval of Attendance Boundary Modifications
Approval of 2021-22 academic school calendar

AP Scholars at Guyer and Ryan High Schools
Enad Mask Makers as the Community Spotlight 
Campus Spotlight:  Fred Moore High School